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“While Blocking� Enchantments


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As the title infers, I would like a range of shield enchantments added that would trigger a spell effect whilst blocking, much like spellbreaker.


These Are Not Intended To Be Super Balanced, and I would appreciate Leveled List Integration.


XboxOne Compatible Please


The spell effects I would like to see are:


-All Flesh Spells, minus Dragonhide

-All Cloak Spells, but slightly downgraded damage

-Healing, %Based, so like 5% heal/s base, or 10% heal/s with max enchant

-All Wards

-AOE Fear Chance

-Become Ethereal


Additional Features (Not Required/Needed)


-Possible Ordinator Perk Overhaul Compatible Enchant/Spells


-On ÃâTimed BlockÃâ Release AOE Damage Of Whatever Type Enchanted With (Fire,Shock,Frost,Poison,Disease,Magic,PhysicalBleed)


-ÃâBlock RunnerÃâ Increase Sprint Speed/Movement Whilst Blocking.


-Bash Damage Enchants/Spells Of Each Element

Edited by PandaOptics
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hello there fellow Xbox Player, your lucky I found you! i have exactly what you are looking for.

From your Xbox Mod Menu Search for Magic Utility. Make sure you place this mod in the LO section that adds spells to the player.

The mod is very simple and noob friendly to use. Just head over to your Powers Tab and Equip the Magic Utility lesser power. Press the Shout button (Default Right Bumper) and the Magic Utility Menu will open up. From here you have a number of different options from Shouts Active and Passive. If the only thing you are looking for is "While Blocking Enchantments" you will need to go to the Active Section, and then Defensive, and finally Blocking. First you need to Toggle the enchantment on, and you have choice here, you can Specifically add an enchantment to the currently equipped shield (Or weapon if you have a weapon (in your left hand using dual wield blocking this still works), or have a passive toggle regardless of what you are blocking with. make sure you set your cost and cooldown. and Finally click on Store Spell. What ever Active spell you cast during the 5 second period will be stored and used any time you block, based on the cooldown and cost you have chosen. The 5 second Period for storing spell does count down while you are in your menu so it might be wise to equip the spell you want "Enchanted" before you open the magic Utility, this is espescially more so with Utilities that allow up to 5 stored spells.

Any Shout, Spell, Lesser Power, Greater Power, Racial Power will work, including those added by another mod. what will not work are potion effects. The reason for this is the mod comes with a set of 5 auto regenerating potions in your inventory that you can add what ever effects you want to. I personally don't use the potions so I'm not sure what the auto-regen rate is for the potion, but i do know the script recognizes the 5 potion limit cap and will not regen potions till you are so far encumbered you want to delete the mod.

A bit of extra info about the mod in case you are interested.

You cannot add effects to existing spells, powers, shouts, etc. The mod will give you 5 books, and upon nreading these books you learn 3 words of power for each of these 5 books. the Magic Utility Menus First Option Shouts, uses these 5 shouts you learn from the books. You can use ANY spells, shout, power, etc. for any of the three words. these shouts don't work like normal shouts, they are basically three separate spells you can use independantly without having to open a menu. (in my personal opinion) these shouts are bedt used as support spells. Examples, healing, follower buffs, mage armor.

I hope this information has been helpful to you, as generally, the Nexus is not for Console Modding.

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  On 1/19/2021 at 8:23 PM, Syddraf said:

hello there fellow Xbox Player, your lucky I found you! i have exactly what you are looking for.


From your Xbox Mod Menu Search for Magic Utility. Make sure you place this mod in the LO section that adds spells to the player.


The mod is very simple and noob friendly to use. Just head over to your Powers Tab and Equip the Magic Utility lesser power. Press the Shout button (Default Right Bumper) and the Magic Utility Menu will open up. From here you have a number of different options from Shouts Active and Passive. If the only thing you are looking for is "While Blocking Enchantments" you will need to go to the Active Section, and then Defensive, and finally Blocking. First you need to Toggle the enchantment on, and you have choice here, you can Specifically add an enchantment to the currently equipped shield (Or weapon if you have a weapon (in your left hand using dual wield blocking this still works), or have a passive toggle regardless of what you are blocking with. make sure you set your cost and cooldown. and Finally click on Store Spell. What ever Active spell you cast during the 5 second period will be stored and used any time you block, based on the cooldown and cost you have chosen. The 5 second Period for storing spell does count down while you are in your menu so it might be wise to equip the spell you want "Enchanted" before you open the magic Utility, this is espescially more so with Utilities that allow up to 5 stored spells.


Any Shout, Spell, Lesser Power, Greater Power, Racial Power will work, including those added by another mod. what will not work are potion effects. The reason for this is the mod comes with a set of 5 auto regenerating potions in your inventory that you can add what ever effects you want to. I personally don't use the potions so I'm not sure what the auto-regen rate is for the potion, but i do know the script recognizes the 5 potion limit cap and will not regen potions till you are so far encumbered you want to delete the mod.


A bit of extra info about the mod in case you are interested.


You cannot add effects to existing spells, powers, shouts, etc. The mod will give you 5 books, and upon nreading these books you learn 3 words of power for each of these 5 books. the Magic Utility Menus First Option Shouts, uses these 5 shouts you learn from the books. You can use ANY spells, shout, power, etc. for any of the three words. these shouts don't work like normal shouts, they are basically three separate spells you can use independantly without having to open a menu. (in my personal opinion) these shouts are bedt used as support spells. Examples, healing, follower buffs, mage armor.



I hope this information has been helpful to you, as generally, the Nexus is not for Console Modding.

I know Magic Utility is a thing, but it does not add enchantments along the lines of Summermyst or Lost Enchantments. I alone do not want them, I wan them added so npcs will also have them. I currently use Magic Utility and that why I had the idea of their being features similar to be used by Ncps. Edited by PandaOptics
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