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Creation Kit since 1.9 patch


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There doesn't seem to be much issue with the Creation Kit and the 1.9 patch unlike some of the previous patches. However I have noticed one thing. If I open a mod that I made prior to 1.9 that has update.esm as a parent I get the following warning reports

MASTERFILE: GameSetting 'sLegendaryResetConfirm' in file 'Update.esm' is not recognized by the current EXE.
MASTERFILE: GameSetting 'sLegendaryResetSecondConfirm' in file 'Update.esm' is not recognized by the current EXE.
MASTERFILE: GameSetting 'fDiffMultHPToPCL' in file 'Update.esm' is not recognized by the current EXE.

If I open only skyrim.esm and update.em I do not get those warnings. I'm hoping it is harmless. I'd hate to have to redo mods because of it.


So far when I get those reports I've been saying "yes to all" and continuing. I haven't actually saved any mod and reloaded it to see what happens as I've not had cause to do so as of yet.

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i have the same problem, ever since i installed the latest update i can't even load my dlc's(before you say anything, yes i made changes to my Skyrim_Editor.ini) it just freezes at initializing, then crashes. i've had more warning errors and duplicate items, than ever before. at least my mod isn't destoyed i saved it before this started. i can't even use the CK because of this. does anyone else have this problem too?

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You made the adjustments to SkyrimEditor.ini or Skyrim_Editor.ini. If the latter then that is your problem. :P


SkyrimEditorCustom.ini works. You can use that to list the changes you need to make to the SkyrimEditor.ini file and not need to worry about redoing each change with every update and/or verification of the Creation Kit.

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Explains what SkyrimEditorCustom.ini is and how to use it. The SkyrimCustom.ini doesn't seem to work but the one for the editor does.


You updated Skyrim with Steam? Verify the Creation Kit with Steam too. Then make any necessary adjustments to the ini. Should work.


No idea why it isn't working for you. I was just in the CK today without any issues.

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