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CS SubSpace rendering problems & altered .ESP in game expression

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So I'm rendering a subspace in a mod I downloaded. I wanted some personal touches in it & to make it a suitable mod for my Vilja to navigate.


Problem 1: I have placed a 100x100x100 box in the render window, it is listed in Cell View's Object list, I have checked "solidify subspaces" under the main window's "View," but I cannot select, move, or let alone SEE the box.


Problem 2: I'm running Windows 7, I'm running the CS and oblivion & all accompanying programs as an admin. I seem to have no trouble saving .ESPs with the CS, but they are never expressed in game (Even if it's a modification of working one, but the previous version is still expressed, it's just ones I modify or make on my computer) I'm using using the latest version of Oblivion SI & the CS. I remember reading there was some issue with older versions of one reading the other, but I do not believe this is my issue, even if I did I cannot remember the cause, fix, etc. If you could give me all the info on this you can, I would be greatful. I love the concept of this mod project, but it's SO messy!


EDIT: I've done everything specified up until Post #6. Reinstalling Oblivion into the Games folder caused more problems, my OBSE is now corrupt & will not recognize Oblivion.exe inless it's my clean install & then all it does is CTD. I didn't have any problems with having Oblivion in Programs x64 once I claimed my administrative rights on it. The CS adds .ESPs into the data folder despite the Windows 7 "PROBLEMS," the problem is that once they are activated in oblivion the new content is NOT ADDED in game even when the game is installed in the "SAFE" Games location. Please help me. I've been struggling with this for months. I WANT TO MOD! I can use the programs for it quite fluidly, all I need is this one thing to work! (And Subspacing...)

Edited by DuchessGummybuns
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What method did you use for the game itself for the move to C:\Games (i.e. uninstall, registry clean, re-install or copy/paste)?

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The CS relies on the game to work properly, so the first step is to get the game installed properly. Copy and paste doesn't do a thing to unregister your old game install and register your new game location in the Windows registry. I'm amazed you were able to get anything running at all.


Follow the steps outlined in the guide ... especially the registry cleaning step. Your Windows registry will have plenty of bad records. Uninstall, clean registry and then re-install, following Bben46's advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done everything specified up until now. Reinstalling Oblivion into the Games folder caused more problems, my OBSE is now corrupt & will not recognize Oblivion.exe inless it's my clean install & then all it does is CTD. I didn't have any problems with having Oblivion in Programs x64 once I claimed my administrative rights on it. The CS adds .ESPs into the data folder despite the Windows 7 "PROBLEMS," the problem is that once they are activated in oblivion the new content is NOT ADDED in game even after reinstalling into the "SAFE" location. Please help me. I've been struggling with this for months. I WANT TO MOD! I can use the programs for it quite fluidly, all I need is this one thing to work! (And Subspacing...)

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