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Creation Kit Problems?


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Can't seem to find anyone else with this issue.


Creation Kit is constantly freezing while working in a worldspace. Specifically, everytime I move the camera Creation Kit will re-load the cell window objects, which causes everytime to freeze for seconds at a time. I am not panning the camera around drastically, this always happens with just minute movements of it. It is really annoying, and makes it a pain in the neck to do exterior editing.


I have also been experiencing another lesser issue. This one affects all the animated fire, water, or mist effects. They appear distorted, or blocky, and it is hard to recognize what they would look like in-game, and how I should position them. It's not a huge issue, but definitely an annoying one.


Does anybody have any possible fixes, or ideas about these bugs? I would really appreciate some input! :biggrin:

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