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Struggling to get my head around this, looking for help.


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as to the states, you don't really need the notools state. Instead of going to the notools state when the player does not have them just remove the entire state since as long as the player has no tools it will always pop up with the message about not having tools.


I would simplify the entire thing to this:



Event onActivate(objectReference akActivator)

        if (akActivator as Actor) == game.getPlayer()

            if akActivator.GetItemCount(SEEFORMLISTGravetools) < 1







STATE access

    Event OnBeginState()

        self.activate(ObjectReference akActivator)




can't test if it will compile because i am not home but it should, there might be some spelling mistakes. This should check the player inventory, and if the player has the tools it will activate the object again. and at the end of everything go back to the empty state to start from the beginning again

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Thanks for your help, I'll test it tonight when I finish work.


Spent most of the night researching states, events and functions. Didn't make any breakthroughs.


When I think of it logically I need my first state and "event on activate" this sends it to state 2 where it checks the player inventory. Then sends it to state 3 if they do, which activates the chest.

If they don't it sends it back to the first state.

Does this sound right to you?

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Just tried it, it won't compile, these are the errors i get...

C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>"D:\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Papyrus Compi
ler\PapyrusCompiler.exe" "J4ACGraveRobbersScript2.psc" -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.fl
g" -i="D:\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source" -o="D:\Steam\SteamA
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "J4ACGraveRobbersScript2"...
(41,22): no viable alternative at input 'ObjectReference'
(41,49): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')'
No output generated for J4ACGraveRobbersScript2.psc, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on J4ACGraveRobbersScript2.psc
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>Pause
Press any key to continue . . .


Both errors point to this line:

self.activate(ObjectReference akActivator)

According to the CK website, these are what the errors mean, still makes no sense to me though...

"No viable alternative at input 'X'
The compiler didn't expect X, and so cannot compile the element. Usually the result of a malformed line or missing parts.
"Required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'X'"
The compiler expected a list of things, but got confused when it encountered X. You may be missing a comma somewhere, misspelled something, or have excess text at the end of a line.

Edited by Job4aCowboy
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I'm taking your last script and am going to tweak it. Then try it and see how it works.



Scriptname J4ACGraveRobbersScript2 extends ObjectReference
{Script attached to GraveActivator, checks to see if player has required items...}

formlist property SEEFORMLISTGravetools auto
{Player must have at least one item from this formlist to interact}

Message Property SEEMESSAGEGraverobfailure Auto  
{Message to say why you cannot use this without RequiredWeapon}

Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
;assign the player to the variable Player so that it can be used throughout the script

Event OnLoad()

Event onActivate(objectReference akActivator)
		if (akActivator as Actor) == Player
			if akActivator.GetItemCount(SEEFORMLISTGravetools) < 1

STATE access
	Event OnBeginState()
                Utility.Wait(1.0) ;lets just wait a second before moving on



I removed a couple states. Saw no need to keep passing between them. I defined a variable specifically for the player so that it could be used throughout the entire script.


Edit -- removed the apostrophe from one of them comment strings... it annoys me when the highlighting colors get thrown off :P

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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