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Sithis Shield?


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i kinda want an armor in the style of dragonbone and blades, with an akaviri helmet and more realistic skull face for the mask, the boots could also be dragon bone...recipe should be one of those sigil stones and refined malachite with dragon bones...I saw this shield and said I need its armor equivalent. thats what i came up with...but i'm still learning the mod tool

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my attempt at mask of sithis...I have no idea what to do when I'm done making the armor textures as I made copies of in game files to edit in gimp....if some one can help me find the relevant tutorial, (how to mod and use in game textures while making new armor) all I can find is retex tuts OR making armor but not both.





Came out much darker than i thought it would...its still WIP

Edited by jasonstainkamp
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Also what would go perfect with this is if we could get some shadow/void magic and make a whole quest to kill the Shadow of Sithis(who wields sword and shield or dagger(sithis razor) and void magic) or serve him and assassinate a few Npcs for his armor weapon and spell shadow bolt(health 40 mag and stam 15pts(its stronger when Sithis uses it)), shadow gout(health, mag and stam 6 pts per second) and shadow cloak 12 to health mag and stam per second for 12-36 seconds(based on destruct/alteration level)...the game already has shadow animation for the ebony armor we just need to make the spells call for them.

Edited by jasonstainkamp
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