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Things don't happen until I reload the game.


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Things don't happen until I reload my save game.

Things like absorbing Dragon souls, Buying houses, Activating things that need an item won't take effect until I quick load my character?

I killed about 4 dragons, and got no souls, when I quick loaded the game, I got all the souls I absorbed.

When I bought the house in Solitude, Falk Firebeard said "Great! Here's the key to your new home.", but didn't take any of my money, or give me the key, Until I quickloaded the game, after which he took all my money and gave me 6 keys to the house.

Now I'm permenantly stuck at a door, the screen flashes and takes me to the enterance to the place I'm in, and a dialogue box pops up and tell's me I "Lack the required item."


Help? What causes this?

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I had this problem on a previous install of Skyrim (Fresh install fixed it, oddly enough) when running Skyrim on 3 or more cores.


Try limiting Skyrim to two cores (through task manager. Processes -> Right-click TESV.exe -> Set Affinity...). Might work.

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It could also be that your CPU is unable to cope. Try shutting down any unnecessary programs and processes.


And try adding this to your Skyrim.ini:


fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=1000.0 ;Xenon and PS3 use 2000.0


Just paste this in before any other Papyrus settings

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Still getting the problem. All my autosaves were replaced to entering that room, and the quicksave was in there as well. Is my save file broken beyond help?

I tried doing COC Riverwood but it just teleported my back again.

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The area I'm stuck seems to be from Interesting NPC's mod. The quest area I'm stuck in has Two-Tails in it, an NPC who is apparently from that mod.

But the mod page says nothing about a quest called "The Teleportation Machine".

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