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Game broken by mod.


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Hi everyone, and this is my problem:


I install Tropical Skyrim Mod on russian version of the game (yes, I know that this mod is compatible only theoretically with non-english version), so after few days i get some bugs: some skills change their names to "#FFFFFF" or "1325AB" or just empty place and some items no more exist in loot or quest revards and i can't get them with Player.Additem (just " - given" displays and i got nothing). I disable and delete all mods in NMM, completly remove NMM and the game from Steam and all saves from HDD and reinstall Skyrim again. But but these bugs continue to appear! In fact - the same mistakes at the same places, as if I did not delete anything! I'm completly shocked 0_o! How this can be? Where the game can keep these errors?


lease, help me!

Edited by Epelict
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Hi, Epelict. This actually has nothing to do with that mod. Several people have posted this to various mod authors thinking it was their mod just because of the timing (i.e., I installed your mod, and RIGHT AFTER I started to have these issues...) But in fact, it was caused by the update to 1.9. For whatever reason, your update did not run smoothly, and you are using the older TESV.exe with the newer Update.esm. This mismatch is causing your issues. The solution is to verify your Skyrim game cache through Steam.

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Hello! I seem to be having the same problem as Epelict; although when I "verify integrity of game cache", the issue still does not seem to be resolved. After Steam validates the cache, a message pops up saying that the file failed to validate and will be reacquired, and yet after it is downloaded and I boot the game up, my skills are still displayed erroneously. Is there another step in validating the cache that I'm missing?


Thanks for any help you can provide!

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Thank you for the response. However, your suggestion unfortunately did not work for me. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice now, as well as deleting TESV.exe and Update.esm and then verifying the cache—yet the problem persists. Whenever I verify the cache without deleting anything, it still claims that one file failed to validate. Is that normal? Is there a way to find out which file is causing the issue?


Or does anyone have any other ideas?

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@ Weigand....I have been experiencing the same issue, a file refusing to validate and not being found....I had a friend look at the issue today and he found something of interest...I am currently re-installing Skyrim right now with the hoped for fix he has in place....He Remote Accessed my PC and so thus I have a copy of his dialog....Check out your User Account Center, it may be interfering...this is what my friend had to say:



on the very first check, yo are missing the Installed path value. weird. hang on .


hang tight for two mins


missing that one too




probably user account center protecting you. I always turn that off. The install was stopped from writing to the registry in windows.

Usually a rights issue. Turning UAC may solve it, I just did that. But you would have to uninstall and reinstall to get the

entries to show up naturally.....Edit....

Edited by StayFrosty05
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StayFrosty05, thanks for the response. Unfortunately, interacting with my UAC settings doesn't seem to have helped, nor do I believe the file that is failing to be validated is the problem (it is the "installscript.vdf" file in your Skyrim folder). I'm going to totally wipe Skyrim from my computer and do a totally clean install. I'll update when it's done for anyone who is having the same issue.

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Hello all!


To any who may still be experiencing this problem, I seem to have discovered a solution.


Using a BSA unpacker, I had unpacked the Skyrim interface files for the sake of some of my mod projects. When I recently deleted all of these except the "Translate_ENGLISH.txt" file, the problem seemed to go away. I'm not sure which specific file was causing the problem, but it seems likely that when the update occurred something changed the way the game interacted with this file. Normally, the game first looks into BSA files for all of its necessary files, if I'm not mistaken, but prioritizes any unpacked files present in the appropriate folders outside the BSA directory—these unpacked files take precedence. Deleting the unpacked files may have enabled the game to find the updated file in the BSA.


I hope that helps!

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