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Skills/Perks absolutely messed up, please help.


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Hello, after the official Skyrim patch released I had some issues getting the game working again with all mods. I probably ended up f*#@ing everything up, so decided to completely reinstall the game from fresh. I even reinstalled Skyrim as I did this, and installed all mods again.


Now I've got the game running again, however it seems that my skills/perks are completely messed up, now I don't care whether I have to reselect all skills/perks or not, anything that would let me continue my character. This is also the last time I let Bethesda autopatch my game and ruin my mods. I've been troubleshooting like crazy but I can't figure out what the problem is, please help me out here...


Now this is what my game looks like, everything else seem to work fine:



This is the list of my mods, including loadorder:



Be aware that I've installed the newest version of SKSE manually without using NMM, I've also ran the ReProccer patch before launching the game.


I would appreciate any help or response on this, really can't wait to play.



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Have you updated the community uncapper?

Also, have you tried opening the uncapper text file and setting your caps where you want them?


I have been playing with steam in offline mode, so I am not sure these suggestions will work.

Skyrim Community Uncapper is fully updated, I never changed my caps in the first place so I can't imagine this being the problem. The stats that are shown are completely wrong, at least most of them. My Marksmanship is actually 61, my Light Armor is correct though on 54

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I can't believe I'm this stupid, appreciate you trying to help but there actually is nothing wrong with my game. The reason my stats are wrong and red is due to the mod Frostfall. I'm out in the cold weather freezing my balls off. Oh well, thanks alot anyways. Finally I can play without having the feeling something's wrong with my game.

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