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Massive mainquest for being evil


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It would be really fun to play an evil character and have npcs run in fear when you enter a town, and or reluctantly trade with you.


It seems like the current options for being evil are that you kill some people in a town then you have to fight the whole town then, assuming you were strong enough. There is no one left to recognize your greatness.


It would be really cool to have quests that involved perhaps expelling the empire and then becoming the new ruler of Skyrim.


You manage resources and recruit soldiers, and then deploy them to towns to subjugate. The towns surrender before everyone is killed and npcs defer to you and cower before you and perhaps occasionally revolt.


One problem with, becoming the archmage, such questlines, is once you are the archmage there is no one to give you quests. It would be cool if objectives could develop, once you are the acknowledge king or queen of evil, to maintain your dominion.



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