JacquesStrappe88 Posted March 20, 2013 Share Posted March 20, 2013 Ok, I am SICK of trying different mod combinations and graphic settings and "tweaks" to try to get what I want out of Skyrim... which is, simply put, perfection. My dear, dear wife is tired of listening to me and has "conditionally" agreed to my getting a new computer. I'm sure it was my unassailable line of logic that clinched it..." Hell, it's MY money, if I want a new computer I should be able to get it. If I want a Firetruck full of circus freaks then by God, I'll get one! Besides the sooner I do the sooner you don't have to listen to me any more..." So, on the condition that I don't buy a computer that would cost the same as a third-world country, I'm good. This is what I want-- - Ultra Settings on everything-every ini graphical tweak turned on, or at least the option to turn it on and be able to handle it-SKYUI and SKSE-Vurt's Flora- the one that kills most computers-4k Rocks and Mountains-Perceptive Scouting and Telescope mod-- Lots of scripts!SMIM, and any other texture upgrades that appeal to meFrostfall, Ihud, Realistic Needs, etc-- all the cool MCM mods via SKYUIW.A.T.E.R. or Pure WatersLush Grass and Lush TreesBasically, any and all HD texture mods to replace crappy default textures. 50 fps in high-stress areas, 60+fps in all others. Now, the good stuff. I have never built a computer on my own-- Is this something I should try? I know way back in the day components had to be "burned in" and such... I am not interested in scorching $2k worth of components due to inexperience. I would like to do this, but not if there is a good chance of me screwing up. So basically, I would like AS MUCH INPUT AS POSSIBLE as to components to use and/or pre-fabbed units. It seems to me that the video card(s) is/are what is most important in a new gaming rig, but I may be mistaken. So I need as much info as possible. 1 card/ multiple cards? Nvidia? Crossfire? Processor? Liquid or air cooled? The list goes on. Basically, I have almost 2000 Hours in Skyrim, and I have done NONE of the DLC's yet. Obviously, this is what I use to decompress from work, and I want it EXACTLY like I want it. I won't spend 10k on a rig, but I won't blink at 3k as long as it is what I want and can be upgraded in the future. So help a noob brother out!!!! post here or pm me! I am taking the time to do my homework so the more info the better! Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JacquesStrappe88 Posted March 20, 2013 Author Share Posted March 20, 2013 Oh and also SkyRe or Requiem. Those are mandatory too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BirgitteSilverbow Posted March 21, 2013 Share Posted March 21, 2013 My advice would be to go to new egg or a similar online outlet and piece together what you want. I just built a very decent machine for around $600. You also get the satisfaction of building it yourself. Spend a lot of time reading reviews of products and make sure the specifications of each component are compatible with one another. Building a computer is a simple, easy task for someone who is methodical and can slowly put it together reading all directions thoroughly before proceeding with the next step. Make sure your processor is at least a quad core and the motherboard can handle future expansion. My build: Rosewill Challenger case which comes with 3 fans, audio, mic, 2 usb 2.0 jacks and a sata jack in the front. This design is nice because both sides are removable and they leave a large opening behind the processor for easy heat sink mounting bracket installation. ASRock FM2A75Pro4 motherboard with AMD A10 5800K processor 3800 ghz 4200 OC. I have 16 GB of 2400 speed DDR3 ram. My video card is Nvidia Geforce GTX650ti with 2GB memory SSC. The slowest item is my 1 TB 7200 rpm HDD. I used my 720W power supply and DVDRW drive from the old machine to save money. I would suggest a solid state or 10000 rpm HDD for storage, but they can get pricey. I am having some trouble with loading screens, but i am certain it is not my computer, and most likely the 4 billion mods I have installed. You can see my posts on the subject in the technical help section. While in the game i max out 60 fps all the time with little to no lag during fight scenes and fiery smokey scenes, which pretty much disabled my old machine before. I think it would be much better with a higher end video card, but this was the best I could afford. I hope my information helps you. -Birgitte Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikegray Posted March 21, 2013 Share Posted March 21, 2013 Hmm. I think you're going to need more than a $600 machine to run Skyrim with a whole lot of graphics mods. Unmodded Skyrim isn't massively demanding in terms of graphics crunching power, but once you start loading up the textures and meshes and ratcheting up the settings, things can slow down plenty. For 3000K you can put together a VERY nice system however. Rather than read what I think, check out the following buying guide (updated every month!) The first link is their current "enthusiast" build, the second is their money-is-no-issue build. For 3000K you could do something in between. (It kind of depends on whether you need to buy the OS or an appropriately high end monitor, sound system, etc.): http://www.techspot.com/guides/buying/page4.htmlandhttp://www.techspot.com/guides/229-desktop-buying-guide/page5.html Two things that will be worth keeping in mind:- On the hardware level, one change I'd recommend is a GPU (graphics card) not only with lots of processing oomph but with plenty of "VRAM". VRAM is the GPU's very own on board memory - and when you start adding fancy mods, the more the better. Techspot's guide recommends a GTX 680 for their high-end build. While it is a bit faster than its direct AMD rival, the Radeon 7970, it has less VRAM. So I'd tend toward a Radeon 7970 for a killer Skyrim build. (BTW, I wouldn't particular recommend a two-GPU setup for Skyrim. Two GPUs don't double your VRAM, and getting them to work in tandem can be a real headache - though I believe it can be done for Skyrim. Notice that the Techspot buyer's guide doesn't even bring up the option, even for their luxury build.) - Caveat emptor: Even if you build the world's ultimate Skyrim cruncher, you still need to keep an eye on what your mods are doing. Keeping all your Skyrim mods happy is tricky business, and requires time and effort and patience. If you have scripts creating errors and savegame bloat, you can't just expect a cranked-out PC to bulldoze through - you still need to find the problem and fix it. Likewise, you'll still want to spend time optimizing your textures and choosing which effects you really want and which you can live without. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hangarspace Posted March 21, 2013 Share Posted March 21, 2013 Three key ingredients for a good skyrim pc GPU : 3GB ram, no less. For me it's a 7970CPU : I5 processor minimum (I won't say I7 since I don't think the benefits warrant the extra cost)SSD : Put your OS, game and mods on a fast ssd (~500mb r/w) Personally, I have one for my OS and one for Skyrim after that it's up to you, no need to go overboard on the ram, 8GB will be fine. Thats basically what my rig is and I run the same sort of mods as you want to and get excellent performance. Have fun! Chris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HoldTheCheese Posted March 21, 2013 Share Posted March 21, 2013 How much do you have or are willing to spend? I could throw something together on newegg for you, but the better it is, the more your going to spend. Do you already have a monitor/keyboard/mouse? or would those need to be included? Thats an easy 220-300 dollars with those 3 items alone depending. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JacquesStrappe88 Posted March 21, 2013 Author Share Posted March 21, 2013 I already have a monitor, mouse and keyboard. As I stated, I am willing to go 3k to build what I want, so long as I know it will handle Skyrim w/o breaking a sweat with MANY HD and script-intensive mods installed. I have become very familiar with BOSS and conflicting mods, so I've got that part handled. I just need good advice on the hardware! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deathgod881 Posted March 22, 2013 Share Posted March 22, 2013 I'll also be keeping an eye on this too im also stuck on deciding a graphics card Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JacquesStrappe88 Posted March 22, 2013 Author Share Posted March 22, 2013 One question I have come up with after some research-- why a GTX 680 or Radeon 7970 rather than a GTX Titan? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JacquesStrappe88 Posted March 22, 2013 Author Share Posted March 22, 2013 And also, I've been told to stay with windows 7. Input, anyone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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