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Character Types and Quest Picking (RP)


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My last character was a woman thief/assasin. The gameplay of the thief/assasin is awesome (it was my first playthrough in skyrim with this type of character), although in the middle of the Thieves Guild quest line and without even starting the Dark Brotherhood quest line I was forced (by myself :cool:) to start over the game due to a series of RP choices I had made. I wanted to created a better backstory for my character, install a series of new mods and generally speaking created a more immersive environment for my character and so I did.


But before starting over with my updated character I was tempted to create a whole new different one. I was thinking something like a Death Knight. The thing is that I've read that the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quest lines are the most interesting and rewarding in the game. As a Death Knight I couldn't be a thief and probably wouldn't make a very good assasin.


My question is: Which are the equivalent quest lines in terms of interesting plot for a heavy armor warrior character, if any? In other words, is the path of the warrior more interesting than the path of the thief?


No spoilers of course. :smile: Thanks.



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First, I like your Avatar.


I agree with Georgiegirl about doing the Dawnguard Quest line to build your Death Knight. The vampire quests will really be helpful and the main DG quest will help you with your Necromancy. Your character choice does not have to conflict with the Dark Brotherhood and/or thieves guild quests, because vampires are known for their stealth as well as destructive potential. You could focus on being a vampire battlemage but develop some stealth and illusion magic to succeed as a thief and assassin.


It looks like an interesting build. Best of luck with your Death Knight.



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