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Widescreen Book/letter clipping fix


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I searched Hi and low today for a fix for a problem with widescreen settings and the books and letters being cut off when reading> I could not find an answer so I searched book and Skyrim and ini and found an article in "Skyrim Tweak Guide 2.0" about book opening speed. In that thread was a word "fBookOpenTime." Armed with this word and Google I found .INI Compendium : V - Skyrim and the huge ini file that the console savini command used to generate. In that file I found the settings below that enabled my adjustmet of the distance/size and vertical position of the books and notes on the screen. Now I can use my favorite lowres but wide setting 16:9 1024 X 576 and still read the top of pages.


Some useful numbers for resolutions that may work for anyone wanting lowres widescreen can be found here Display resolution - Wikipedia


these settings work in the file Skyrim.ini found in the users Skyrim folder. They have to be added in most cases.

fBookXRotation=-25.0000 # default 25.0000
fBookOpenTime=600.0000 # default 1000.0000 Not related to reading but speeds up book animation
fNoteDistance=100.0000 # default 90.0000 Higher number = smaller
fBookDistance=120.0000 # default 110.0000 Higher number = smaller
fBookPosWidthPercentage=0.5000 # default 0.5000 horizontal higher = more right
fBookPosHeightPercentage=0.5450 # default 0.4450 vertical higher = down

Keywords can't read, clipping, cut off, books letters notes book letter note problem fix


I hope any one who is looking for this sort of information will now find it useful and quicker than I did.

NOTE: I may have caused the cut off problem myself by using an external editor to change the resolution of the game rather than letting the Launcher do so. But the launcher tends to make other changes that I then have to undo so... this is how I will deal with this for myself.

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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  • 5 months later...

This worked great. The book clipping was driving me crazy. Thank you!


I had this problem on a 1280x1024 monitor. The settings that work for me are:




Edited by danexuslurker
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