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I squeezed my intro sequence cart horse like toothpaste! Help?


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Just need someone to look at the attach and tell me if any idea what problems this signifies and where to start troubleshooting.


I have been going in and out of the game testing AA/AF/FXAA and detail settings to set the most stable.


My Spec: [email protected], 7970GE/6Gb Win7x64 12Gb@DDR3-1600




Been letting a new game run up until inside first house. With GPU-Z running I still haven't exceeded 2Gb dedicated Vram. But now it's starting to CTD as soon as reaching the first gate of Helgen.


Last run with Skyrim@Ultra with no AA/AF, FXAAA on. CCC force 8x AF.


To pass the time I've been just looking around and finally stared at the floor of the cart. If I continued to stare at the floor towards my backside, the floor starts to spin and the cart appears to go upside down as if I am steering the cart up a hill. Then the horse starts terrible grunting and it sounds like the cart broke.


And I took a screenshot of the horrible result.




So is this a known issue? Is the intro sequence sensitive to what you are allowed to do until it releases you to the game world?


Or does this signify I have a corruption either in the game or mods?


Any ideas welcome. Thanks

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I've never had this issue. I'm sorry for this, but I can't help laughing. That horse has a problem. Sorry that I couldn't help at all. Possibly try tweaking your graphics to a lower setting? Might be too much for your PC to cope.

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Yeah, I figured if I actually described the picture for title I'd get some replies as well as chuckles.


But I just reset Skyrim Launcher to High settings and it is repeatable. If I slew my view to behind my back, first the front cart starts spinning and then we crash into it and then our horse breaks loose.


Looks like a clean install coming and I'll see if I can repeat it in Vanilla.


Archives are our friends, luckily!

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I got some weird things like that once. One time the cart stopped at the wall in helgen upside down, had to qqq out. In my case it was simply too many mods causing too much drain on the game.


People have said that the Helgen sequence is prone to issues when mods are installed. That isn't really true. Helgen is the first place you could notice issues if you are overloading your game but that doesn't mean you won't have issues past Helgen if you wait to apply the mods after. I've been successful with small load orders and flawless Helgen sequences.


You need to learn the limit of your game. Since it is crapping out at current settings/mod list, back it off. Keep doing that till it gets better. Do reboot every few trials as sometimes things don't always clear until you do. Once the intro sequence seems to be stable, just go crazy in game. Try to make it crash and break. Play for your normal length of time, if it doesn't have issues then your setup should be good for most play sessions.


The goal is to have it set so that either you'll never have any crashing or if you do you'll know that it usually strikes around a certain amount of time so that you can save and exit prior.

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Okay I just put back my vanilla archive and it is repeatable as well.


I have a hunch that this is being allowed by the game. If the game is still allowing you to view (twist) your torso, but it is using a seated lock, in effect I am able to move my body as if free, but attached to the contact point and that is (pulling) the cart with me. The view once I get it going is as if I'm walking up the hill along the cart path. It's the same look you get after they push your head onto the chopping block and right after you get released from it.


I'd like to just be real careful and get inside the first building and then start testing mods from there.


But if you believe it shouldn't happen at all on Vanilla then I have some more troubleshooting to do.



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Looks Like I may have it sorted.


I forgot to put back the vanilla INI's.


I was using the TWEAKGuides settings with the following adds







uExterior Cell Buffer=64
uGridsToLoad=7 INI






I'm not sure which one might cause what I had but it is clean for now.


Thanks for the help

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Be very careful with ini settings from any source. The best thing to do is to read what the setting does and make small increments up or down and test to see what changed. Throwing in a bunch of setting changes because someone said it worked for them is asking for trouble. Each computer is different and has different limits.

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Exterior Cell Buffer=64

uGridsToLoad=7 INI


=> potential CTDs (and "INI" after "7" is very strange)




Disabled VSync => potential UFOs (flying objects when you load a cell)

I bet on this one for your squeezed horse.




=> Potential pink loading screens and menus

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Thanks all,


It's running clean so far now with TPC/COT/ELFX and getting as high as 100fps in many sections, no hitches so far.


I'm playing with ENB now just to see how far that drops FPS on top. Looks like 40-50FPS with RealVision so far. It's completely smooth but I haven't really gotten into a big fight yet with multiple actors in a heavy detail location.


Speaking of which, I have a 120hz 1920x1080 monitor set at 100hz right now as I didn't think I wil ever get 120FPS out of modded Skyrim. Would setting a frame limit as you suggest negate the benefit of the 120hz monitor?

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