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Need help installing the community uncapper


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So I've watched the installation video for Skyre, and I've installed skse and pretty much everything needed to activate it, only thing is, the community uncapper can't be downloaded via Nmm anymore


My question is, how do I download and activate the Uncapper through the Nmm? I don't want to install it directly into skyrim ( I have 2 versions, skse skyrim and normal depending on which mods I want to use ) since I use Mod organizer to filter which mods I use.


And is there a specific extension ( as in .rar for skse ) that the file need to be in for Nmm to pick it up ? (I'd click on add mod from file )

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The uncapper installs fine with NMM. Its just set up to be manually download.


So in NMM go to the mods tab and click the top button on the left, looks like a folder with at plus on it (it also says "Add mod from file" when moused over). Then in the box that pops up, navigate to where you saved the uncapper file and select it. NMM works with zip, rar, 7z, OMOD & FOMOD. As long as it is one of them it should extract and install fine.

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