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Uninstalling part of FWE?


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I like this mod, but I really hate the new Outcast tech reward system. I think it's too cheap/easy to be able to turn in a bunch of junk for any kind of ammunition that I want. There was a reason why you could only get 5.56 ammunition from them in the vanilla game. Does anyone know how to uninstall it, and not FWE entirely?

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  • 2 weeks later...

meh, plenty of other parts of fwe i'd like to get rid of aswell, like the 30-40 extra 'fancy' weapons, 300 types of ammo, brain splitting sound effects (From the new guns), explosive entry for locks, etc.


But the realism part of the mod just makes me grit my teeth and endure the crappy parts :(


So ya I hope someone sees this and gives us options: Allow us to choose what parts to and not to install.

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