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Dragonsreach Crash With or Without Mods


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So here's my scenario. I've had constant problems with Steam failing to download my games these past 4 weeks same thing with Epic Games. Reached a point where Steam allowed me to download Skyrim SE again and I managed to have a mostly crash free playthrough. Eventually though, my steam decided that Skyrim wasn't installed and wouldn't show a "Play" button but instead the blue "Install" button. I left it alone for a few days because I could still bypass and play through MO2 but it kept bugging me so I pressed it and the main files were deleted and re-installed. Do to the downloading issues I'm having this sucked but I got it to finish today after work and did the whole auto clean process with SSEEdit but now I can't go into Dragonsreach. I can post my load order if necessary but I can't even enter when I launch the game normally without mods. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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