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Lengthening View Distance in New Worldspace?


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Hello all,


I'm working on a new worldspace about the size and style of Bloated Man's Grotto, but I'm finding that the rendering distance on objects is much shorter than in Tamriel, causing everything from landscape to trees to mountains to fade out at about a third of the way across the worldspace. I'd like to make everything visible all at once, both for reviewing and for the player's enjoyment. Any suggestions on how to do this?

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Well, the problem seems to have fixed itself. It may have something to do with unchecking the "small World" box in the worldspace dialogue, but I can't be sure. It may help someone else with the same problem, though.

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You'll still need to generate LOD to see distant objects. As of now it's only displaying objects that are close enough for full detail.


This process is a bit too complicated to post here, but there are tutorials on youtoob and elsewhere.

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