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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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So, if I downloaded a .7z today as usual, I would've got an .exe instead? That's too obvious.


I never 'run' something right off the website I download it from but 'store' it first to execute it manually later. And even if I suddenly were that incautious, I'm still on a MacBook... Doubt the .exe would've had any use, even if 'executed' (="unknown file type").


Nice try though. Definitely took quite some criminal effort to hack into the servers from outside.

I wonder if it was another 'friend' of a former banned member again this time or something more 'professional' for a change.


Great news about the NMM OMOD script bugfix though. I wish I could give it a try myself, so in case of success I could un-deactivate all the "download with manager" buttons on my OMOD-ready files.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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In response to post #7635205.

Seconded on that one. As all the files from NMM should ONLY be zip files of one other or a sort, with the exclusion of an NMM update.. there shouldn't be ANY exe files downloaded.
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Thanks for the heads up, I always look at the name and corresponding size of the file, but nice to know when to look out for possible trouble. Fingers crossed that Norton 360 holds up it's end now. Goodday.
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In response to post #7635205. #7636326 is also a reply to the same post.

Wrong! FNV4GB enabler runs with an .exe extension. If this were to be disallowed on the Nexus(Along with other items. For example: "Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed" for Fallout 3). We would be unable to run New Vegas with 4 GB of RAM. We would probably end up going to a untrusted site not many people know of if this were to be accepted.
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In response to post #7634227. #7634317, #7634389, #7635222, #7635365, #7635437, #7635978 are all replies on the same post.

MSE has failed the last few AV tests - http://www.techspot.com/news/51367-microsoft-security-essentials-fails-av-test-certification-again.html

I still use it because I'm usually very careful, just be aware MSE while very easy to manage and uses very little resources is NOT the best or even one of the top performers...
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MalwareBytes.org free.. not the pro trial.. finds everything, manual scan uses little/no system resources when not running, manual scanner. Has chameleon and can load itself with different named processes so virri cannot disable it from loading. Scans Fast.


Does NOT do realtime unless you buy it. Runs all the way back to XP3. Single core P4 celery will run it,



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Wow guess my pc's graphics card picked the perfect time to go on the fritz lol, as I havent DLed anything new in a couple days, since I cant run the game atm lol.


I dont use NMM, I DL everything manually, but I never run it right from the site. I always DL to a folder, then run AV on it before ever running or opening the file. And I always pay attention to make sure that the file I am DLing has the same name as the filename that shows on the mod page. I guess being paranoid has its uses lol, as I never trust anything completely, on the net. My AV also scans it while I am DLing it too, tho I use Nortons so not sure how effective it is, but I have my AV set to update every day, and my browser cashe is set to delete everytime I close my browser.

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Does anybody know "panda" virus scanner would work?

I did not download anything this morning but i rather get myself a new anti virus program after hearing this, Ive had a virus close to this one a year ago and my pc had to be rebooted, lost everything, all mods, all movies, all text files, everything, I have back ups but dont want to risk loosing everything again/re installing everything again as that would terribly waist my time. Panda is the easiest for me to get to right now, but if it does not work would love to hear alternative programs too. hope people find those guys and make sure they never touch or see a pc again for the rest of there lives.

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