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Importing a face ends up with a different face model


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I've recently gotten back into Oblivion and found i'm too lazy to spend the hours needed to wrestle a decent looking character out of the creation tools ingame. I downloaded the Face Exchange Lite program and a few savegame characters that were posted, and attempted to transfer the face data. The program works fine, everything looks to be ok, but when I get into the game itself, the face my character has looks absolutely nothing like what I had imported. I tried with several different saves, same result.


So, I download Wrye Bash and go through the same process. Select my savegame, import the face from another savegame. Same result.


The only thing that I can think of is that these programs, for whatever reason, aren't replacing the face data of my character with the face data of the savegame, but modifying its current facegen numbers by whatever amount they were changed from the default in the savegame, resulting in the distorted mess that comes up.



For an example, this is one of the saves I was trying to import: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7935


Here is what my character looked like before I imported:




And what she looks like after I import:





Has anyone run into this problem before, or know how to fix it?



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When looking in Wrye Bash, you can see that the mod-author had Ren's Beauty Pack Full and OOO running. You should probably add those to your game, and if you still have trouble, write the author, Chingari a note, he's a wonderfully helpful person. He may be able to suggest which head mesh he was using, which is possibly the big trouble. I'm not sure though, because I don't know what exactly OOO does, it does all kinds of things.



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I have both of those mods, there's no conflict in that respect. That one savegame was just an example. I have tried several, all with the same result.


Even transferring the face data between two of my own characters ends up with an extreme facial distortion.

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I'm unfamiliar with wyre bash(I rarely use it even though it's actually a great tool), but I know about Face exchange lite.


So you're using the face data of a previous character? Or are you trying to "import" the face of another save game to your current one? Might be that the races are different which causes problems when importing a face file. It only works properly when the Head meshes of the races are same, but even then the result will be different. On the other hand, importing between one and the same race works just normally.


Of course there're different factors, e.g. if you have a save game in which you used a vanilla race earlier. When starting a new game and installing any mod which changes that race, the result for importing will differ, too. Same happens to an updated custom race mod, if you used let's say version 0.9.6 in your previous playthrough; On your new play, with version 1.0 installed the import result might differ as well(e.g. when the modder changed some face values or the head mesh). In that case, you wouldn't even recieve any warning when importing like you would recieve when doing so for another race.

You could try to deactivate all mods, create a clean save, import the face and enable all mods again, but I guess that this'll only work for vanilla races.

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I'm unfamiliar with wyre bash(I rarely use it even though it's actually a great tool), but I know about Face exchange lite.


So you're using the face data of a previous character? Or are you trying to "import" the face of another save game to your current one? Might be that the races are different which causes problems when importing a face file. It only works properly when the Head meshes of the races are same, but even then the result will be different. On the other hand, importing between one and the same race works just normally.


Of course there're different factors, e.g. if you have a save game in which you used a vanilla race earlier. When starting a new game and installing any mod which changes that race, the result for importing will differ, too. Same happens to an updated custom race mod, if you used let's say version 0.9.6 in your previous playthrough; On your new play, with version 1.0 installed the import result might differ as well(e.g. when the modder changed some face values or the head mesh). In that case, you wouldn't even recieve any warning when importing like you would recieve when doing so for another race.

You could try to deactivate all mods, create a clean save, import the face and enable all mods again, but I guess that this'll only work for vanilla races.


Wrye Bash is, for me at least, a vastly more effortless and simplified tool for importing faces than Face Exchange Lite. I began with Face Exchange Lite but once I got around to setting up Wrye Bash, its face import feature simply trounces the competition.


I just imported Sasha so you could see the results, (in my Meris Mournfall savegame too):


See Meris in my sig, below, now see Sasha wearing Meris' clothes!


Here again, ladies and gentleman is Meris Mournfall (cheers and applause from the crowd).



And here is poor Meris after importing Sasha's Face, Race, and Stats with Wrye Bash's Face Import feature. She still looks nice but needs some body texture work. Note she's still wearing Meris' clothes and wig as well.


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Of course there're different factors, e.g. if you have a save game in which you used a vanilla race earlier. When starting a new game and installing any mod which changes that race, the result for importing will differ, too. Same happens to an updated custom race mod, if you used let's say version 0.9.6 in your previous playthrough; On your new play, with version 1.0 installed the import result might differ as well(e.g. when the modder changed some face values or the head mesh). In that case, you wouldn't even recieve any warning when importing like you would recieve when doing so for another race.

You could try to deactivate all mods, create a clean save, import the face and enable all mods again, but I guess that this'll only work for vanilla races.


This may be my problem. I thought that I had disabled all mods that changed the default face settings, but there may still be one in there that is tweaking something I don't know about.


The default faces in my game are completely hideous, so I thought that everything was working just fine :D


I'll give it a try and see if it works.

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I'm completely stumped, I have no idea.


I disabled all my mods, same thing happens. I moved the non-original files in my data folder to a temp location, same thing happens. I uninstall oblivion and re-install to play it completely clean in case the previous step missed something, same thing happens.


I have absolutely no clue what is going on here. The fact that I can import a face from one of my own savegames to another of my savegames and the face still ends up distorted implies that it's not a mod problem at all. Maybe I have a bugged version of the programs?

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