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Super heros and villians after the Fallout..


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I don't mod but, I appreciate great mod work. I have great creative ideas and I think this is one of them. I know theres people out there that will find this idea intriguing. Give it some serious thought please:


I have an epic idea... it came to me while playing Fallout 3 and remembering the amazing mod work on Oblivion. I thought about all the apocalyptic survival movies and got to thinking, how would super heroes / villians cope and react? Or, could scavenging residents of the wasteland take up those costumes and mantles in order to become vigilantes and criminals? In the quests to save or take over the wasteland, wouldn't it be fun to do it all in grand style? The idea is to make gear for our favorite characters BUT, to give them the look of a post apocalyptic origin.


I suggest 3 to start things off, character wise, that would fit nicely in the Fallout world:





Hero - Wolverine




I was thinking with a more 'Weapon X' feel to him. Anyone who has seen the images of him escaping Weapon X will remember the cyber punk look to the training gear he wore. A mix of that with tactical gear and unarmed claws. Health regen and maybe even a modified shishkebab to look like the Muramasa blade. Also, his use of various guns and explosives fits with his background. The addition of the Weapon X headpiece explains the VATS interface. Also, if this all works out well, how many teams is Logan on? X-men, X-Force, The Avengers, Weapon - X, The Horsemen of Apocalypse...hell, even Alpha Flight. Imagine the follower options for him? Being able to go it alone or bring a team of apocalyptically themed heroes with him. What about a burnt out X mansion with the HQ being the underground level? How about a hidden Avengers HQ? Or an X-Force black ops bunker? Too fun.



Villain - Hobgoblin


Look at these links --->





I was thinking here of going with the cybernetics enhanced Jason Macendale version. He has a more ' survivalist ' look to him. Much darker and more functional. A stealth / recon type armor set made to look like the pictured version. This hobgoblin has an enhanced eye upgrade, which explains the VATS system as well. Pumpkin bombs are simply modified grenades. Likewise, weapon options are obviously plentiful. Due to the cybernetic strength augments and the electrical glove discharges, maybe a special version of the Facepuncher mod as a main melee weapon? Interms of the goblin glider, why not reskin the robot follower character? I mean, a modified goblin glider could easily become a goblin drone right? Also, every goblin has a series of hidden lairs right? Fun fun fun! :D ..... ......... .... :D .. I'm very partial to this character idea.




Hero - Batman


After the end of the world, who would dare to wear the cowl of the dark knight? Come on! For a steal based character, who better than the Bat? Also, no one says he has to be Bruce Wayne. Gun use isn't totally out of the question. Or play true to form and only use unarmed combat and explosives. I didn't include a pic here because it really hasn't been done to my knowledge but, imagine the bat gear a batman would have to salvage from the ruins of the wasteland? If could be epic. Also, the cowl has utilized various scanners systems in different comics / movies so, the VATS system STILL works well. So would a batcave.. hint hint.. how cool is that? You could even make follower versions of the other bat family members.


P.S. ....VATS is the only reason I didn't list the Joker next. Three is enough to get the ball rolling I think though, right?


Generate some buzz please. Come on, this is a SICK idea! :)

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Transform Hen-Sin Dark Hero



This is a very cool mod I've tried out. You find the special suit under the Springvale school where the ants are. You've got to blow up some rocks blocking your path and then you will find a special lab behind it with a superhero suit that comes equiped with special features and perks as long as your are transformed into the superhero.

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