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Quest breaking bug in Skyrim( help ?)


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Hey everyone. I decided to try it here because I have looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find an explanation for this


I recently bought and assembled a new gaming rig, so i decided to playthrough Skyrim all over again


That said , as I had already finished it before (im laughing to myself here) i decided I should buy the expansions, so it wouldn't be too much of wasted time

So i did and I finally started playing


I installed a whole load of mods from here,like Combat Duel and the ENB by Fabianku btw, so that could be the source of my problem


So , to put it shortly,, when i was in the Stormcloak quest in Whiterun ( I'm not going to spoill it, you know the one) Jarl Balgruff ended up dying....


I though this was weird as hell, so I though I'd just ress him and try again. I did, through the console and he got killed again!Please do note that this hadn't happened to me even once during my first playthrough, and has been happening a LOT since i started playing again (mostly to Lydia though)


This really kills the immersion for me , because Vignar just comes into Dragonsreach afterwards and looks to Balgruff's body and says" glad it's not me" then goes to sit in the throne


And that's it, the quest just dies there, the invasion is still occurring( since Balgruff surrendering was the only thing set to finish it, and the quest )


Any turnarounds to this?

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Sounds like you might have a mod that turned off his essential status. That's the only explanation I can think of. If you've got a recent save from before he died, try finding which mod changed his status and disable/uninstall it. Then see if it works after that.

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Sounds like you might have a mod that turned off his essential status. That's the only explanation I can think of. If you've got a recent save from before he died, try finding which mod changed his status and disable/uninstall it. Then see if it works after that.

Well that's part of the problem

I was getting really long load times(even though i shouldn't, since skyrim is installed in my SSD memory) so i deleted most saves but the last 5 or so

Unfortunately, they all are after I killed him

However i managed to get some of those saves back , but those are from early game

I will try to find the mod though, because i don't mind doing some good ol' backtracking xD


My mod list as of now consists of the following:

-All of the unoficial patches released in Nexus

-Fabianku's Power and Performance ENB

-Realistic Lightning Overhaul

-Immersive Weapons

-Immersive Armors

-Insanity's Pale Blade

-Insanity's Red Eagle's Bane

-Insanity's Dragonbane

-The oficial High Res Texture Pack


-Killmove Control ( haven't unactivated this one, but i remember having problems with Lydia dying way before this)

-Duel-Combat Realism ( at first i thought it was this one that was causing all of this , because i can recall installing this one pretty much early one, but i have already disabled it and I also deleted it to be completelly sure)



-Enhanced Blood Textures

-Better Dynamic Snow

-Distant Decal Fix

-Better Breeding-Horses made Unique

And a bunch of Armor Sets


I can't really see the problem but I'll try a clean install tomorrow to see what's causing the problem

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thats what happends when you spend loads of money on a new gaming rig.

Your old pc gets jealous and sends "bad vibes" (game saves and general pc settings) to your new pc indoctrinating the new pc that it have to f**k your s**t up.


It's all a desperate survival tactic from the poor old discarded pc.

Its like divorcing your old ugly wife, and marry that pretty 18 yo brazilian chick you just met yesterday.

The old ugly wife is bound to f**k you over. lol


Computers are people too you know, and they have feelings just like the next person.

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thats what happends when you spend loads of money on a new gaming rig.

Your old pc gets jealous and sends "bad vibes" (game saves and general pc settings) to your new pc indoctrinating the new pc that it have to f**k your s**t up.


It's all a desperate survival tactic from the poor old discarded pc.

Its like divorcing your old ugly wife, and marry that pretty 18 yo brazilian chick you just met yesterday.

The old ugly wife is bound to f**k you over. lol


Computers are people too you know, and they have feelings just like the next person.


I actually considered that xDD

I think I'm gonna give my old laptop some love and a hug, and see if that'll do it xD

I actually didn't spend that much money in it, assembling it saves up a LOT of money

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This is so weird

I used the isessential command in console to see if the jarl was set as an essential and it returned a 1 ( meaning he is ), however he still died

I even went so far as to use the setessential command to be sure we was set as essential , but to no avail.This really depresses me

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I guess you already resurrected him and you've tried setessential, all I can suggest then is to simply "recycleactor" on him until the quest is over, then try to hunt down the Mod that's causing the problem. Oh and try upping his armor rating and health

P.S. I see you have Immersive Armors and Weapons installed, you should install GDO too so that you get appropriate comments to go with them :wink:

Edited by NemesisTheWarlock
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I guess you already resurrected him and you've tried setessential, all I can suggest then is to simply "recycleactor" on him until the quest is over, then try to hunt down the Mod that's causing the problem. Oh and try upping his armor rating and health


P.S. I see you have Immersive Armors and Weapons installed, you should install GDO too so that you get appropriate comments to go with them :wink:


To be honest i don't feel like downloading anything more at this point :(

I'll try the recicle actor, but doesn't that have the same effect as the resurrect command?

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I guess you already resurrected him and you've tried setessential, all I can suggest then is to simply "recycleactor" on him until the quest is over, then try to hunt down the Mod that's causing the problem. Oh and try upping his armor rating and health


P.S. I see you have Immersive Armors and Weapons installed, you should install GDO too so that you get appropriate comments to go with them :wink:

To be honest i don't feel like downloading anything more at this point :(

I'll try the recicle actor, but doesn't that have the same effect as the resurrect command?

ntial Stat

After downloading the Creation Engine I was able to see that the Esseus was ticked of for him ( no idea why the console doesn't say so) i going to try and see if he's essential now


EDIT: Oh, and recycle actor didn't work, he began to walk on the wall like spiderman, i got a laugh out of it at least...

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