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Playing as Multiple Characters in One Game


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You can make it work. I wouldn't say with multiplayer. But it easy to reconfigure the game to support a team base function. And no, papyrus can support this with ease. The multi-character platform is the very basic functionality of a game traced as far back as SNES games. Papyrus holds far more impressive language than what was used back then and there is zero, I repeat, zero mechanical algorithms that could upset such a paradigm.

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Would something as have multiple followers, and you switch between them via a hotkey/GUI. So one character could be in RIverwood, while another is in Riften, another in Markarth. Somethign that modifies how followers work, in a way.

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  • 2 months later...

I'd love to see this as well. Kind of like in Chrono Trigger near the end where you can finally freely swap any party members in the hub area.

I'd be nice to not have my Dragoon also "secretly" be my Black Knight. And my Ranger; as well as my Assassin. Maybe could also implement an alternate start quest(s).


So, whilst perusing the mods for something else entirely, I stumbled across this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36047/?

Now all we need is a mod that lets us create a dummy NPC to take control of and use ShowRaceMenu.

Edited by RebelWinds
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  • 4 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

I did figure out a way to do something like this. I didn't make a single mod, but rather just used a couple mods to come up with a way to have a game like this.


I first started with the Alternate Actors mod by Iceburg. I think it could be possible to do something like this with only this mod, but I used multiple to get around some things I didn't want to do. I just toggled a few settings to my liking and just used the remember spell so I could control them remotely. The thing about this mod is that the process to change characters requires you to go into the race menu inside of a loading screen. This could cause some problems since in areas with a lot of items, npcs, etc. (I think that causes Skyrim to crash whenever you try to change your race in certain areas) So make sure these characters are in somewhat isolated areas so this crash doesn't happen. And the NPCs and PC when you're outside of their body do wander as well, they keep their paths, so make sure you use a character that doesn't do anything crazy. Another thing I'd like to note is that the NPCs keep their personalities and voices, so if you take Lydia and maker her a different character, she will still have Lydia's dialogue and voice, so keep that in mind if it would bother you. What I haven't tested is if cross-gender characters keep their voices. I sadly couldn't find a voice changer mod, so unless you can find one yourself I can't supply you with one.

I then used the Ring of change mod to edit each character. This allowed me to edit the characters without the risk of the game crashing. The mod uses a ring to teleport players to a cave with VERY little in it, so it keeps bad things from happening when you edit your character. The problem with this mod is that the ring is out in the world, so you have to venture out there to get it. It's not TOO hard to obtain, but it's tedious. So I usually spawn it with the console. For those of you who are willing to do this, here's the code for the item; xx000D62 .

The last mod I used can vary depending on your preferences. I used a mod that added random NPCs so I could use them and not any vanilla NPC that could do something for me in the future. This was just my preference, so If you don't care about someone's existence, you can just use them.


So hopefully this helps you in your quest to have a team of custom players at your disposal, thanks and have a great day! :D

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The idea is great. I actually had the same idea while back and made a request, but i never got an answer. It's great to see other people having the same ideas.

The first step i would go, if i was able to, is to create a second playable character. To make it easier to start I'd go the following steps.



1. Make a copy of the player character and place him as a essential NPC (maybe follower), port the original player char to special, empty, cell.

2. Take control of / create a other character.

3. Copy all the characters stats, relations, face, race, items to the player.

4. Port the real character to the cell the player was in before.

5. Deactivate all quests for the time you play the second character (until a way is found to split the quests to more characters).



6. Create Objects, Places, or a button, to change characters (to prevent bugs it should just be possible in specific areas and when not in combat).

7. Figure out a way to create special invisible effects for the player (something like player 1, player 2, player 3, you get where I am going with this).

8. Change the effect every time you swith character.

9. Edit the quests in a way that they are just playable/ visible, when the condition is met.




I really hope I could help you with this idea, as far as i understand this would be the easiest way to approach this.

Good luck, and please PM me, if you create a working version, or have news about it:)

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  • 1 month later...

My frame of reference for envisioning this draws from Secret of Mana (SNES) or Samurai Warriors Chronicles. In the latter, you can swap the playable character and jump straight to wherever on the map they were left off.


This mod would be exceptionally practical. For example, it would be tedious to build the three custom houses three times over just because you want to try the game as three different characters. There's just way too much to do in this game to waste time doing it all twice. With swapable heroes, you could juggle your Argonian mage and your Khajiit warrior without having to juggle save games.

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