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Enabling and Disabling weapon nodes?


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Hello all,


So after some looking around the mods, i noticed that some of them allow you to modify the way your gear is displayed For example Auto Unequip arrows, dual sheaths when dual wielding, and that one mod called armed to the teeth which displays everything and your grandmother. I am wondering how these mods go about doing this. Is it via script? Or somehow in the creation kit? I have been hunting though the creation kit for my answers and testing different things on the weapons (hide in backpack, changing animation types, changing weaptypes to axe since that's the node I want to display in), with no luck. I feel like it should just be simple enough to say "Hey you shield, display on my back node, or left 1h appear on my right side when sheathed." I am not really caring about any drawing animation (reaches back for the shield or left had reaches for the sword, etc) I am only concerned with getting these items to display. Where in the creation kit are the weapons assigned their nodes, and how do I affect them?



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