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Steam Offline & Skyrim


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Do you guys know that there isn't just an application anymore, it's also a 'service' (like printer or network share service)?


In case you want to stay offline, you should try setting the 'Steam Client Service' to 'Manual Startup'. I honestly have no clue if that's going to help but I think it's a starting point...

Thanks for this idea Grappa's Hammer. I checked under services and it appears that the steam client services is already set to manual start up, but it was worth a try.


I had to get more unconventional to try to solve this problem, as unfortunately steam has completely failed me as a customer. One week of nothing but hassles and headaches with no solutions.

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I have exactly the same issue since the steam update, it's driving me mad as i don't want to use the CK online !


No supposed fixes have worked, i don't know what to do anymore. I can just facepalm because i can't play and mod offline a game i paid.


A lot of people complain about this on their forum, but they completely don't care. There has been no official statement, nothing. If they don't fix it soon i'm done with Skyrim, and of course steam.

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Do you guys know that there isn't just an application anymore, it's also a 'service' (like printer or network share service)?


In case you want to stay offline, you should try setting the 'Steam Client Service' to 'Manual Startup'. I honestly have no clue if that's going to help but I think it's a starting point...

Thanks for this idea Grappa's Hammer. I checked under services and it appears that the steam client services is already set to manual start up, but it was worth a try.


I had to get more unconventional to try to solve this problem, as unfortunately steam has completely failed me as a customer. One week of nothing but hassles and headaches with no solutions.

What means did you turn to to solve it?

I have been trying to act friendly with Steam for years now. I have lost a couple of games and so on, and gave up on Steam and made a promise to myself to never ever using it again. Then comes Skyrim, old promises vanish in thin air, and here I am once more, disappointed as a child, "sitting outside the candyshop and crying over a lost coin"

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A Valve employeer posted this exact message on their forum a few hours ago :


There is a known issue with the latest Steam update that prevents users from going into Offline Mode. We are working on a fix and appreciate your patience.


Probably too early to shout "hipipipourax", but it's a first step in the right direction. I hope we'll soon be back to offline Skyrim !

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Thanks for the update SeigneurVoland


After a week and a half of various fixes and steam tech supports emails


I just opted into the steam BETA client update and that finally fixed it.


I really hate steam. Worst customer support I've ever experienced.

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I'm guessing that Steam fixed this bug in the new update. I was playing online, thought as an after thought after gaming to try one more time to put it into offline mode instead of just exiting. Well, I clicked the "offline" button and the screen closed as per normal but what happened next was not. It decided to do an automatic update. It tried to update but said "failed to clean up files" then the update restarted itself. At this point I thought "oh great now its in some weird loop" but it eventually finished and ta da it went into offline mode all by its little ole self. Problem solved :biggrin:

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This problem began in July of 2012 and has steadily gotten worse and Valve has NOTHING to remedy the situation. I have had multiple help tickets open only to get copy and pasted replies followed by sorry we can not help and are now closing the ticket.

You can update everything and go into offline mode and it will work fine for a week or so then it goes right back to the same problem. They have implemented some sort of time code to FORCE you to go back online to validate with out telling anyone.

Very stupid way of doing business. Since 90% of the games sold on a Steam are single player and have no need what so ever for an active internet connection.

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