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Pros and Cons of having zero Infamy?


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I'm about to head into the Knights of the Nine expansion, and I know that the Pilgrimage quest depletes your infamy variable back to 0. I just want to know what are the pros and cons of having zero infamy. I won't bother doing the expansion if there are more cons than pros.

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For the expansion itself (excluding the rest of Oblivion entirely) Having a high infamy renders a lot of the rewards for the main questline completely useless. Having a high infamy does not unlock you anything or offer an alternate storyline, it just stops you from using the Crusaders relics.


So, if it's just this expansion we are talking about, then, as far as my playthough went, there is no Pro to having a high infamy at all. :happy:

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For just this plugin, Infamy doesn't do anything good, but if you have The Vile Lair DLC, your Infamy must exceed your Fame to use the Shrine to Sithis, and the higher your Infamy the better the blessing, though except for the one granted at 90+ Infamy it's really not all that useful, and its use is equal to Altars of the Nine in regards to restoration of attributes anyway. But nevermind that, I suppose...


If we keep it to just vanilla and KotN, high Infamy can lower the disposition a lot of people have towards you - the higher their Responsibility (NPC-only attribute), the more your Infamy will decrease their disposition towards you. However, characters with a low enough Responsibility (mostly thieves/fences and the like) will generally like you more the higher your Infamy is (they don't like you less for being famous.) Their Disposition won't change by more than 20 by either Fame or Infamy though, so it's not really that important.


But no, besides a minor Disposition modifier for some people where Disposition won't matter in the first place, the only reason to gain Infamy is really for roleplay purposes, and if those mattered here you wouldn't be doing the KotN storyline, so just go ahead and do the Pilgrimage.

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If you haven't done all the Dark Brotherhood or Thieve's Guild quests yet, I would suggest doing them before the KoTN pilgrimage, otherwise you'll wind up losing access to the Knights armor when you start doing those quests (if you are RPing a wholly good character, you may not plan to do those anyway). I notice your last response was about a week ago, though, so I'm assuming you've probably done it already. :cool:

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