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Can RaceMenu be Applied to Existing Follower or Spouse?


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Hi, and Happy New Year.


I'm not a mod developer (not yet, anyway)


Is there a way to apply and use racemenu on an existing follower or spouse, or even a NPC?


I did a search before posting this, and

results seem to be oriented toward development.


Many thanks




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The Manipulator, among other mods, can call up a slightly reduced feature racemenu to use on NPCs/follower/companions.


It's missing the face sculpting, preset loading, and the camera controls, but it does allow most operations.




I believe there are other mods that offer that "targeted" racemenu interface too, so there might be one on Nexus, idk...


Erm... nvm, I forgot about this bit.. there's also this mod from the Nexus, which allows presets


NPC Appearance Changer



I use both.

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