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More mods similar to something like "Stop Insulting me Outcasts&#3


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All of the mods I want are things that improve the experience in some way without anything being out of place. I don't want my character to look like it came out of an anime, for example.


So I like the idea of something like the Outcast mod, so that you can see the effect of your actions on the world. Obviously, there are big things like MMM that make the creatures more diverse, but obscure or tiny little things like fixing the dialogue so NPCs react to your appropriately can be hard to find.


Are there other mods out there that fix little things or add something that should've been in the game that just make the whole experience feel more...complete?

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Shotokanguy - Hello!

I use "Stop Insulting Me Outcasts" by Pistolero too, it is a great little adjustment that blends right in but enhances the feel of the game.

Off hand, for vaguely simillar mods that make small but fun changes that blend in, I can only think of:

NPC Response Expansion

Which allows NPC's to make a whole range of reactions to your stat of undress if you wander around not fully attired.

It uses the vanilla voice content & lets them react with anything from a laugh to an annoyed scolding. :smile: A small thing but fun.

Portable Bear Traps V2 by razorwire


Another simple mod that really adds something that you'd think would be in there from the start.

This allows you to pick up Bear Traps & reset them somewhere else or even sell them.

Razorwire, the maker of that, made several very clever mods that are often overlooked. Click on their name on that Bear Trap mod & take a look at some of their other work.

I'll post again if I think of anything else. :smile:

Hope this is of use!


Edited by prensa
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You should take a look at "No Theft Comments" http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1908 I got so annoyed when leaving Frak and Shrapnel or other places hearing "Yes, that's locked. And I see you eyeing it" if I took too long when moving the mouse. And check out DCInteriors Project http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/5573 It adds interiors and moveable clutter to the interiors of many buildings.

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