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Skyrim Scripts DLC


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I don't have the Dragonborn DLC and I've not used GetFormId before, but the values to the right of the 0x match what the wiki states as their respective form ids. In the case of the Stalhrim the xx would be replaced by your specific load order value.


Does the same happen with mods and other dlc? If so, perhaps GetFormID cannot determine current game load order...

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I'm not sure if you manually installed your DLC, installed it normally or whatnot, but just in case you didn't know this, when using programs such as Nexus Mod Manager you can check the hex value based on the load order. If all of your mods/dlc are installed manually (or any way not using a mod manager) you can simply count the mods from the Data Files tab, hen convert the number to hex. (That's 0-9 then a-f) There are plenty of converters online if you can't do ti in your head.

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