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Tes4cs Form id's, unique id's, issues issues, please help!

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I have been doing scripting/testing on my own custom items using the cs, my issue is that every time I create a new object for test purposes (thus it will be deleted), I have to make up a completely new Refid/editor id because the tes remembers ones I have used months ago even though the objects they belonged to have been deleted for some time. This is especially painful when the script I'm testing is specifically wrote for a unique Refid, causing me to rewrite the same script over and over with a different Refid inserted. Is there a temp file in the tes that I need to clear? How do I fix this? Why does the cs remember these ids that are deleted and unused by anything? How can this issue be avoided in the future? Any advice would be dearly appreciated.
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Try deleting your \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ConstructionSet.ini , and make sure that you quit the CS before you do.

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Update it is the ini file however deleting it does not resolve the issue, still need help...


What do you mean by this? :confused:

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