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Annoying Sound Problem


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I'm guessing everyone knows the sound of when plates or other objects clatter together when they are really close or the sound of when things get stuck?


Well, after patching Skyrim for the new update I'm getting that noise every time I enter into anything. My houses, shops and even dungeons and it's driving me crazy. How do I get rid of that annoying clattering sound?

What's even weirder is when I look towards where the sound is coming from it stops, but as soon as I turn around the clattering begins again. There also doesn't seem to be any problems with where the clattering objects are places, which is even weirder since a plate that is sitting perfectly still is making those annoying noises.


Ok, I just found an even weirder problem. I tried to record my problem on fraps, but as soon as I turn on fraps the problem stops.



Edited by AlfieWilRus
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