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how to script activate pipboy


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Hello I'm wanting to do one of two things



1. have some terminal or switch that will activate the player's pip boy to a certain tab


2. force the player to be able to use their pipboy even without going through entire vault 111 area.


I am making an alternative start mod. Another mod author has given me the ok to use his skip intro mod in my mod but the source script file is not included so I can not see how he did what he did. It gets me as far as the moment the player wakes up from cryo stasis. (it skips that part very well the player jumps right from the player bathroom right to the place in the first cryo chamber after waking up from stasis.)


all the controlls work at this point except the pip boy


I've tried moving the skeleton hand with the pipboy on it to an area inside my alternative intro scene directly from it's origin at the exit of vault 111 (*the interior story I made is actually in a separate area of vault 111cryo interior cell for simplicity sake.


the player is able to pick up the pip boy, activate it and use it but not actually use it again after closing the pip boy that first time. It will not re-open using the controller after exiting for some strange reason.

so my guess is there are some quest stages in the player's travels out of v111 to the surface that are what allows the pip boy to be re-opened.


I am looking for a script that will either allow me to access the pip boy via some toggle button that the player can use whenever they need to use the pip boy or ideally some script that will force allow the players use of the pip boy even without fulfulling the original bethesda fo4 quest requirements.

Any help wold be appreciated





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Have you tried posting in the FO4 section of the forums? Not everyone that visits the general mod author section knows how to mod that game. While I know papyrus from Skyrim, I know nothing about FO4.


I can tell you that Champollion could be used to convert PEX files into human readable and usable PSC files (tho they won't appear as the author originally wrote them). At least you'll be able to see what that other author did in their skip intro mod that you mentioned.

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The new game start scripts do disable player menu controls with an InputEnableLayer so even if the Pipboy is in player inventory and equipped it can not be activated.


You need to either not allow the scripts that DisablePlayerControls to run, or find that script and EnablePlayerControls on the InputEnableLayer it created.


To find the active layer use the console command [ DumpInputEnableLayers ] and hope the layer name indicates which quest/script it originated from.


My own fast start new game solutions manage this MQ101 quest layer:

(pMQ101 as MQ101QuestScript).MQ101EnableLayer.EnablePlayerControls()
(pMQ101 as MQ101QuestScript).MQ101EnableLayer.EnableZKey(abEnable = true)
(pMQ101 as MQ101QuestScript).MQ101EnableLayer.Delete()

There is also an InputEnableLayer used to disable the PipBoy on the MQ102 quest (confusingly the quest script is called MQ03QuestScript) but my solutions bypass that.


Also look out for issues with invisible Pipboys if the player has reskins or replacements active at the start of a new game.


Its complex sh1t, took me a long time to figure all that out.

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