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I cant get through the Beyhesda logo


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What launcher?

If you are using skse, are you using the skse launcher?

If you have not already, I would recommend downloading and running BOSS, then addressing all the messages it gives you. If you have already done this, post your BOSS log here--crashes at start up are usually due to load order conflicts or missing master files.

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What launcher?

If you are using skse, are you using the skse launcher?

If you have not already, I would recommend downloading and running BOSS, then addressing all the messages it gives you. If you have already done this, post your BOSS log here--crashes at start up are usually due to load order conflicts or missing master files.

i dont know what the BOSS is and the Skyrim launcher Edited by Legoguy110
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BOSS is sorting software. It will put any mod it recognozes into optimal placement. You will need to order mods it does not recognize manually. Usually putting similar mods together is sufficient.

a direct link is here. You will want the one with the installer.

I recommend you check out gopher's vid on BOSS, although it is quite easy to use.

Ok i got BOSS and it checked out Ok

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