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Moving children to a player-made home


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Did anyone figure out how to make children move to a player-made home?..Everything is ready, I put play dirt markers, play doll markers, a sandbox, I put children owned beds and chests, etc. but I can't figure out how to make them move to my house like they do in Vanilla Skyrim. There must be a script missing or something..If anyone knows how to do the final step and make them move to the house, please let me know. Thank you in advance. :smile: Edited by Furag0n
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If you take a look at the BYOHRelationshipAdoption quest in the CK, there's a "moving" Branch in the DialogueView which includes the moving-dialogue for your adopted children. I assume (with all caution because I haven't tried it out myself and it might go horribly wrong and I don't know a whole lot about modding yet in the first place) that if you add an option for your custom made home there, as well as alter the properties of the related script accordingly, you shouldn't have a problem.


Edit: The related script in this case is in the BYOHRelationshipAdoptable quest, which checks whether you are even allowed to adopt a kid.

Edited by Anska
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@Anska..Thank you but what I need to find out is how to associate the moving dialogue to the house marker in order for them to move there.

@Korodic..Let's hope he/she can come up with something to make kids live anywhere or the author of Spouses can live everywhere, if he/she can do that with spouses maybe he/she can do it with children.

Edited by Furag0n
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I suppose a move to me command wouldn't work. Not sure what you're asking.

Maybe a combination of the mod that let's you make anyone a follower and a mod that can give you many followers.

The mod I use for that let's you tell a follower to relax ... they then move around the area like they live there.

Edited by Jason2112
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