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hair issues with custom race in CK


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hi there guys im having a bit of a problem here. im making a custom race in the ck and i cant seem to figure out how to get the hair style selection to change. its stuck using the khajiit hair and i would like it to use the human hair selection. anyone know how i can do that please?

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I know I did this myself succesfully, but I can't remember exactley how I did it. I'll look into this and try to remember, and I'll get back to you if I do.

EDIT: As stated in the tutorial:
Hairstyles and Beards

All head models, hair, beards, etc are found in the Character>HeadPart section. Each is assigned to a race via the "Valid Races" dropdown, which is a FormList that contains race entries, similar to how hair colors are stored in HairColorList. Valid lists are prefixed with HeadParts* or Races*, because we opted to set Morph Race earlier, RedBretonRace is automatically included by proxy to any list that RaceBreton is a part of. Setting new hairstyles for your race to the existing lists is easier, but you may want to create a list that only contains your race.

I knew I was looking in the right place. I just must've skipped it.


EDIT2: Upon observation, (though I didn't use this method) it seems creating a duplicate of a hair model could be an easy way to add it to a new race, as you can then use the ValidRace Pull Down menu to select your custom race (or so you should be able to assuming your race is set to be playable)

Edited by InfinityXeon
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And here I was working on outlining how to add hairs and get them to show...


oh well...


That's a new one.. perhaps you have something else that edits the races?

Perhaps a tip for the future, make your mods on a non-modded game unless you are modifying an existing mod o.ob

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