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Updated 1.9.32, Cant absorb dragon soul.


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I did a clean install of the game and updated it to 1.9.32.


My plugin list look like this and nothing more.





I can't absorb dragon soul once I killed. The dragon just lying there doing nothing. Not turning into skeleton. I have no official patch. I tried the script fix and absorb skill mod. It did not fix this issue. Is anyone else having the same issue? Can anyone give me a clue?


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Wow Skyrim 1.9.32, I can absorb dragon souls now!!! In my case, I try to install DSAMG Mod (Dragon Soul Absorb More Gloriuos) and do a trial and error, after killing a dragon the dragon just lying there doing nothing. The I try to remove Skyrim/Data/scripts/MQKillDragonScript.pex from DSAMG. Reload the dragon battle again and after the slaying, the dragon skin began to melt, Dragon Soul absorb. COOL! Maybe I didnt install the DSAGM Mod correctly!

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Wow Skyrim 1.9.32, I can absorb dragon souls now!!! In my case, I try to install DSAMG Mod (Dragon Soul Absorb More Gloriuos) and do a trial and error, after killing a dragon the dragon just lying there doing nothing. The I try to remove Skyrim/Data/scripts/MQKillDragonScript.pex from DSAMG. Reload the dragon battle again and after the slaying, the dragon skin began to melt, Dragon Soul absorb. COOL! Maybe I didnt install the DSAGM Mod correctly!

DSAMG is incompatible with the Dragonborn DLC. The mod author is working on a fix.

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