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Brainstorming and Help: Perk Overhaul


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For nearly a month Iv been developing an extensive Perk Overhaul system.


Goals -



1. Make Smithing the only tree about base weapon damage.

2. Make Weaponry based skill trees about conditions and effects.

3. Make Enchanting weaker but get better over more time.

4. Make Perks extend lightly but increase ranks into the 300+ ranks.

5. Make Poisons usefull and needed at times.

6. Make Alchemy worth putting time into.

DONE* 7. Archery perks more about how archery works rather than just slap paralyze on and call it good.

8. Make each weapon feel unique.

9. Make Magic feel like more than just an after thought.

10. Make certain magics more effective than others against certain mobs while making all magic still useful and not Op vs Weaker mob. AKA: Fire does more damage to creatures covered in fur like Mammoths.

WIP* 11. Make plenty of cross-requirment skills. (Conjuration + Archery = Bound arrows on current weapon, but only if no other arrows are found)

DONE* 12. Make Sneaking and Movement the same perk tree.

DONE* 13. Make runspeed perks based on ranks of movement/sneak. (with bonuses that are lowered based on carrying a ton of gear)

14. Combine Pickpocket and Lockpicking trees into a Greed Tree.

15. Make each damaging tree have roughly the same amount of perks. (to prevent one tree from taking more than the other making aquisition less balanced)

16. Add Shout-based perks to speechcraft tree. (yes... similar to Tendos SkyRE, I talk to Tendo a bunch)





DONE* Marksman tree

WIP* Destruction tree

WIP* Restoration tree

WIP* Sneak/Movement Tree

WIP* One-Handed

WIP* Two-Handed



WIP* Greed (Lockpicking and Pickpocketing)

Alteration tree

Conjuration tree

Illusion tree

WIP* Alchemy

WIP* Blacksmithing

WIP* Enchanting


WIP = Iv got a solid plan but havent done the actual work yet or only has a few perks done sofar.



Cross Required/Cross useful skills- Planned and Implimented- * = Implimented


*Arcane Rage (4Ranks)- 100 Destruction + 100 Melee = Very Low chance to auto cast Ice Storm, Fireball, or ChainLightning upon attacking a mob.

*Rebound Arrows (2Ranks)- 75 Conjuration + 100 Marksmanship = When you run out of arrows bound arrows will be used. Bound Arrows cost magica.

*Penetrating Arrows (4Ranks)- 80 Smithing + 80 Marksmanship = Constant tinkering with arrow design progress yields +10% penetration.

*Pinpoint Accuracy (4 Ranks)- Marksmanship Final Skill - Critical hits from all weapons have a random boost of damage. (30% commonly - 600% extremly rarly)


Life Drain Spell - Restoration + Destruction (?Ranks)Deals 10 Damage per second and Heals 3 per second. Ignores Resistences.

PROBLEM --- Having a problem implimenting the Spell into Spell list threw Perks. (Would like info if anyone figures out how todo this.)





Archery Tree -- (All have been play-tested and are not OP)


Velocity (4 Ranks) - The closer you are to the enemy the higher chance for critical. (+10% over 70ft to +40% within 10ft @Rank 10) - (+25% over 70ft to +55% within 10ft @Rank 200) within 10ft , 10- 20ft, 20- 50ft, 50-70ft, and over 70ft all variables calculated.

Caught Off-Guard (3 Ranks) - Arrows to an enemies back are especially lethal and deal 2X as much damage.

Perfect Aim (5 Ranks) - Taking an extra 4 seconds to aim properly results in a 100% critical Chance.

Shot in the Dark -(1 Rank)(Sneak 40) Bow sneak attacks ignore armor and deals 25-50% more damage.

Quick Draw : Mastery (6 Ranks) - Draw your bow (20% @ Rank 20)-(120% @ Rank 220) faster.

Staggering Shot (5 Ranks)- Arrows stagger all but the largest opponents (15% @ Rank 20) - (40%@Rank 250) of the time.



Sneak and Movement tree


Dungeon Runner - +2% movement bonus per 10 ranks. +1% Sneak movement bonus per 10 ranks (bonuses are hampered the more weight you carry over 75%)

Speed Weight Training - +2% movement bonus outdoors per 10 ranks. (bonuses are hampered the more weight you carry over 75%)

Endurance Training (6 Ranks)- (+20% @20 Rank)-(+80% @200 Rank) Stamina Use Reduction while sprinting.

Take A Break (Restoration 100)- Grants +250% Health, +200% stamina and +25% Magica regeneration. While not moving and not in combat for longer than 3 seconds.






More INFO to come when I get it together.

IM OPEN TO ALL IDEAS, not just the ones that arnt WIP or DONE but ALL ideas.

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are those 3 marksmanship perks the only ones you're adding to archery?


Personally I'm not a fan of too much RNG in game mechanics.

As such I personally really dislike Arcane Rage and pinpoint accuracy.


Does penetrating arrows actually penetrate one enemy so you can hit another?

if so that's pretty cool, I'm not sure how you'd do it.


Why did you make life drain ignore resistances?

It seems somewhat arbitrary, not many monsters have resistances in the first place.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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are those 3 marksmanship perks the only ones you're adding to archery?


Personally I'm not a fan of too much RNG in game mechanics.

As such I personally really dislike Arcane Rage and pinpoint accuracy.

Arcane Rage - Only hits the targeted mob and mobs who are extremly close to the targeted mob. It sounds like more damage than it is in practice.

Pinpoint Accuracy - A chance to effect all critical damage with all weapons. remember its on crit first and second the figures below show that its really not likely to be 6x dmg. But is mearly possible.


(Rank 1 Rank 20 Marksmanship)

24% Chance of +30% Crit Dmg

and roughly 1/300 Crits will do 6x dmg. Roughly 1 in 1000 hits with a 2handed weapon 30ish%. 1/800 with bows 15-50%scaling depending on distence.


(Rank 6 Rank 250 Marksmanship)

30% Chance of +30% Crit Dmg

roughly 1/120 Crits will do 6x dmg. 1 in 400 hits with 2h, 1 in 250 hits with bows.


Remember one thing im eliminating base dmg increases and replacing them with crits which are less predictable and more fun.

are those 3 marksmanship perks the only ones you're adding to archery?

No and I will add more info soon. It is alot to type up.

Personally I'm not a fan of too much RNG in game mechanics.

As such I personally really dislike Arcane Rage and pinpoint accuracy.

Im not only working on only range, It was just the one I started with cause I though it needed the most changing. Im trying to make options so all weapons and magic options are equal and different.

Does penetrating arrows actually penetrate one enemy so you can hit another?

if so that's pretty cool, I'm not sure how you'd do it.

No it only makes the mobs armor less effective to protecting against its damage... however I will see now if I can make that happen.

Why did you make life drain ignore resistances?

It seems somewhat arbitrary, not many monsters have resistances in the first place.

Simply, Due to the fact that the damage is so slow that if I didnt make it ignore resistence it would be totally useless. The damgage is low for that reason and the reverse for your argument can be used against you here... If so few mobs have said resistence why worry about it?





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