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Can someone explain B.O.S.S. to me?


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I have trashed my FONV game and am reinstalling it. So I am also reinstalling BOSS. It seems that each time I install BOSS and attempt to run it the first message I get is "JavaScript to be enabled in order to function".


I admit to knowing relatively little about much of anything when it comes to this stuff, but I do know that JavaScript is enabled on my computer. Does anyone know why I get this message and how I can get BOSS to work? And taking it a step further, I don't know a whole lot about BOSS, but is it better for checking MOD compatibility than just using the FOMM Load Order Report?


I apologize in advance for what if probably a really dumb question, but I need help and would really appreciate anything anyone can offer.


Thanks, :confused:

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B.O.S.S.= Better Obilivion Sorting Software. You use it to sort you mods and set your load order. When I used to use it, I found that I had to install it into the Data Files folder and it worked fine there. It will give you some mod incompatibility reports, however, it is better to use FNVEdit for checking compatibility.

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