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Preventing Companions to follow into certain areas


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Setup: A gate closes behind you and you're utterly alone. Every companion will stand behind it unable to enter



Does anyone know a good way to prevent companions to follow you into certain areas? The place must be navmeshed


Btw. "Followers Can't Travel Here" is one option but maybe there's a better one

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You would need a quest with higher priority than the Followers quest with a package (I guess a wait package) in a RefCollectionAlias or ReferenceAlias that would override the companion/follower package and, somehow (maybe using OnLocationChange) add/remove the follower/companion from this alias as needed.

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Tried to do a similar thing and I sort of thing. This is a script that I got off another mod author, You'll need to do some editing as not all of it is necessary:

Scriptname CoU_RemoveCompanions extends ObjectReference

Action Property akIdle Auto
ObjectReference Property marker Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
   Actor[] playerFollowers = Game.GetPlayerFollowers()
   int index = 0
   while (index < playerFollowers.Length)
     index += 1

This should go on the door that leads to the cell.


It should work on any companion that is implemented properly. If they are just on a "follow" AI package they wont be affected.


Personally I couldn't get this to work so I ended up with a less elegant solution that just repletely moves the current follower outside the cell:

Scriptname LLitCW_FXScript extends ObjectReference

Group Location_Properties
	Location Property MyLocation Auto Const
	GlobalVariable property LLiTCW_FXTimer auto
	ObjectReference Property marker Auto

int FXTimer = 1

Event OnLoad()
	StartTimer(LLiTCW_FXTimer.GetValue(), FXTimer)

Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)
				;---Temp Stop Companions---
				if (aiTimerID == FXTimer) && Game.GetPlayer().IsInLocation(MyLocation)
				Actor[] playerFollowers = Game.GetPlayerFollowers()
 				 int index = 0
   					while (index < playerFollowers.Length)
     						index += 1
				StartTimer(LLiTCW_FXTimer.GetValue(), FXTimer)
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