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This place is of no help it also sucks.


What's the point of coming to this place if no one's going to respond to my Requests or helps?


I always do my research first before making requests but I still don't get no replies. I get alot of views but 0 replies.


Why is that? What do I need to do to fix this problem?

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People will help as they can, with the knowledge they have and you know, people do have lives outside this forum. Patience is sometimes required. From looking at your post I see plenty of activity where people tried to help you. You are one of THOUSANDS of post a day people read make on this forum. You are not the only person here needing or asking for something.


However this little bit of tirade is getting a response from me. As you seem to not be able to follow the rules of this forum and have insulted those who have tried to help you, you can find somewhere else to find the help you so want as you are now banned.~Lisnpuppy

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Requests often don't get answers, if you are the only one wanting this mod or modders don't want to do it, then it is normal that there is no answer. I look at requests but usually won't answer unless I know a mod who does it, want to do it, or want to offer my opinion on it, otherwise I don't answer because it is of no interest to me.


And when you ask for help? Well that happens as well, I asked plenty of questions here about creation kit and mods and it happens often that I have no answer. People aren't here to answer to your topics specificaly, they are here to post on what they want to. Often problems can be fixed on their own if you go back to them and try again.

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