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Voice Actor and Actress


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After losing a main voice actor these are now open for auditions.


Name: Blain


Age: 30's or 40's
Bio: Blain is the main character of the mod. Everything hinges on this character. Blain is a complex character, a combination of a passionate political activist mixed with a jaded world view. He adamantly believes in a world of self-determination while at the same time recognizing that people can't be trusted to rule themselves. The Voice Actor who was going to play Blain originally wrote a good early life storyline for Blain you can read here if you desire.
Voice Type: No requirement for any particular voice type.
Audition Lines: Blain and the Player are at an overwatch about to approach an Enclave Firebase.
Blain: The Firebase is to our Southeast below that overpass. We need to neutralize the guards.
Player: You mean kill them.
Blain: With prejudice.
Player: You're no better than them!
Blain: I am a hell of a lot better than them! Do you have any idea what they'll do with MERC?
Blain: Everyone you know, every you care about, they'll kill them all!
Blain: They don't want a world with choice, they want a world with control!



Name: Georgehttp://i.imgur.com/8bprwAk.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/9MC0evc.jpg

Age: Any
Bio: George is a ZAX. Essentially a super computer with a human personality like John Henry Eden. The personality he picked up on is that of George Custer. He speaks through his Main Terminal and a roving Mister Handy. He is a bit eccentric after so many years of operation and some minor damage over that time. Serves humans, but thinks they are inferior to him and his voice shows it at times. A complex, but fun character.

Voice Type: Think about Custer and that era for his potential voice type. Southern gentleman meets haughty sophisticated West Point Officer.
Audition Lines: The Player is asking George about another NPC at the base.

Player: George, has Nicole been acting strange?
George: Well all of you meatbags act odd. Gonna have to do better then that!
Player: Is she deviating from her normal routines?
George: That Sir, would imply that I'm spying on her.
Player: Let's just say that you happened to notice.
George: Oh, well in that case, she's building a tank.

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Can i try the role of Chase. Ive worked as a cashier at a fast food place once and i can see myself being able to do this. The only problems are that i never acted before, I have no clue what your talking about when you say 'mono-wav 16-bit format sampled at 16000 hertz' , and my only recording equipment is a 'borrowed' Rock Band mic, and Audacity software

Edited by stupidname1313
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Can i try the role of Chase. Ive worked as a cashier at a fast food place once and i can see myself being able to do this. The only problems are that i never acted before, I have no clue what your talking about when you say 'mono-wav 16-bit format sampled at 16000 hertz' , and my only recording equipment is a 'borrowed' Rock Band mic, and Audacity software

In Audacity when you go to Edit and Preferences you will see the Quality where you can set 16000 Hz and 16-bit. On the top right of the main Audacity screen you will see a drop down box that lets you pick Mono or Stereo Input. That should set your recordings to the correct format. There might be other ways to do it, but that should work so you can then just go to File - Export and pick WAV (Microsoft) signed 16 bit PCM and save. It is not totally critical that you get this all correct for the test work, but it is when it is going to be put into the GECK for Fallout 3. I could change it on my end, but that often changes the voice up for the worse.

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