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BOSS Manual Update


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Is there some way to update BOSS for Skyrim/Oblivion/etc., manually? As in like you install the software but don't have an internet connection to update so you grab the necessary files from wherever, copy to USB drive and update as per your convenience? Like with some Anti-Virus softwares.

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Umm... are you sure about that? The reason I made this post in the first place was that the upload date on those downloads seem to be quite a while ago.


No offense, but I don't think it would have stayed up to date after all this time what with release of Dragonborn and mods related to it and others being updated.

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@Luthais, Is that the exact word search I should perform? Because I copy pasted exactly what is IN the quotes and did that but no results came up.


Sorry for being so lazy, it just happens to be 1 AM here at the time of this post, so I sort of... well you get the idea.

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Nvm the last comment. I understand how to obtain the masterlist.txt. Now how would I go about using it since whenever BOSS tries to update it usually tries to go online and there is no .exe file for update like in Anti-virus software. Do I just find its directory and replce the masterlist.txt in the BOSS directory?

Edited by sgman1
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