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Some strange issues after downloading SKSE.


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I took a while one day downloading SKSE and trouble shooted to make sure I made no mistakes and now it is fully operational. But that isn't the issue. After I downloaded SKSE I started having some strange issues with the Skyrim folder on my commuter. I know I have to open my game using the SKSE launcher in the Skyrim folder, but now I can't even run my game normally through the Skyrim launcher. The problem began when I accidently hid the Skyrim folder in my master folder steam/steamapps/common, but now there is an identical but separate Skyrim folder in the common folder. When I open it and click either the TESV.exe or Skyrim.exe an error message pops up that says the launcher is missing. I can open my game through the SKSE launcher just fine but I've found when I do that the game doesn't download my mods from Steam as it should.

How do I reveal the hidden Skyrim folder and why is the computer saying the item I clicked on is not even there?


EDIT: False alarm. It's all well and good now. The Skyrim master file just got misplaced into another file.

Edited by LordSarcasm
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