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Skill names are bugged. Showing as #FFFFF


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I am having an issue where the skills are messed up. Although the individual points are fine, the main label for each skill tree is not right. I have listed all the mods I have installed. I am currently running Skyrim









I can't for the life of me figure this out. I have tried all sorts of re-ordering etc.


Anyone care to help a girl out?



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My version is


Doesn't update when I force it to.


I am also using the latest SKSE. When I revert to the previous version, it says that I am using a new version of skyrim. So there is no turning back on SKSE.


I disabled SkyUI and I still get the error.

Edited by vika09
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I verified. No change.


I reinstalled fully - I still get the errors with the mod. Only this time my version is now instead of


I'll be honest, it doesn't change the game play, it's just a cosmetic annoyance.

Edited by vika09
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I have that problem to. Have you used TES5 Edit to clean any mods? I believe it has something to do with the addition of Legendary difficulty and Legendary skills. When I go to the game-play settings and change the difficulty to Legendary it has a "$" in front of it and I just finished fixing a problem were "$" in front of everything by putting "Translate_ENGLISH.txt" back into the interface folder. So now we have to find the file that governs the skills names in the update. Oh it is the new "Translate_ENGLISH.txt" that was in the update, it didn't override the old one. Here just put this in the Data\interface folder and override when asked.

Edited by Drofsned1b
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I had the same problem.
It started with the "Legendary" patch. To be honest i tried A LOT of things to make it right.
Last day Steam downloaded something for Skyrim and Taa-daa...
Everything works :P

I suggest being patient. It should "fix itself" after some time.

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i have replaced the Translate_ENGLISH.txt but it is still messed up with the

#FFFFF can somone help please or give me a new file to override.



I had the same problem.

It started with the "Legendary" patch. To be honest i tried A LOT of things to make it right.

Last day Steam downloaded something for Skyrim and Taa-daa...

Everything works :P

I suggest being patient. It should "fix itself" after some time.



Yeah, the .txt file didn't work for me either.


I've been verifying cache everyday at night. No changes.


I'll be patient.

Ok try making sure you have









In your Data\strings folder. If not download FOMM (Fallout mod manager) from the New Vegas Nexus (or any program that can extract bsa files) start up FOMM, go to tools, open BSA browser, open and extract strings\ of Skyrim - Interface.bsa and Update.bsa. If that doesn't do it I'm out of tricks.

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