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New House/fort/ruin models?


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Just wanted to know if anyone know if there's any new house/ruin/fort models? As in new buildings i know there was one that was like Asian styled mod that you could use to build a house or so with but its not really what im looking for.


If you know any please share :D




Ever sins i started skyrim i have been ''what the.......'' to the towns they are more like villages, even solitude the great capital of skyrim is basically just a castle three roads a few houses and a palace. and most good buildings are Already predeterminer like the solitude buildings, they are all connected like a puzzle if you don't put it like they were made you will have big holes everywhere.


so yea im quite disappointed at the amount of buildings and especially castles.

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There's a mod called Rochester, that adds a new castle with some quests and what not. He released part of his new buildings as modders resources.




A few of Stroti's house resources have been converted for Skyrim and someone as TES Alliance is converting this mod of his right now.



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