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World settlement and population


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As great a game a skyrim is, ive always felt that its population was excessively lacking for a country. I have no knowledge and experience in modding whatsoever.

However i personally feel that skyrim would be significantly more immersive if there were enough settlements peppered around skyrim to accomodate a total population of a few thousand.


As i said i heve no experience with modding, hence i have no idea if this is feasible.

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Ive looked into population mods too because it was something that was successfully modded in oblivion, but in skyrim the population mods are either derelict or unstable.


The only things I've found to give a sense of an actual place where people live(besides some town expansion mods that also add npcs) is immersive patrols and travelers of skyrim. Jobs of skyrim adds a bunch of npcs but they are anti immersion imo because they just stand in one spot day or night rain or shine and have nothing to say besides their offer (its also no longer supported come to think of it).


Oh forgot, INTERESTING NPCS is a freaking Essential mod! It definitely improves things a lot. But yea, skyrim is really hurting for more npc/population immersion mods.

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There are some very good mods unfortunately some are still work in progress:


ETAC - Expanded Towns and Cities http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13608

Every Version of this mod integrates a full overhaul of a settlements including npcs with a daily routine. The newest version adds an optional follower. In my opinion also a must have as it is one of the best settlement mods.


Immersive Settlements http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33162

I am currently only tracking this mod. It basically covers the same towns and settlements like ETAC. However still WIP for my taste too much work in progress as it does not cover npcs yet.


Expanded Winterhold Destruction Ruins http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8333

Makes Winterhold a lot more believable. It adds a dungeon below the city and the ruins give you a feeling of the former glory of Winterhold.


Populux http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30275

Although this mod does not add any npcs yet it is in my opinion one of the best city mods. Currently it adds houses to Solitude and Whiterun and gives them a more populated/crowded feeling.


The Places Series

Adds Settlements which appeard in previous elder scrolls games but were left out in Skyrim. You get the places series only on steam workshop.

Places: Lanitar Dale

Places: Amber Guard

Places: Granite Hall

Places: Oakwood

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Ive seen quite a bit of these mods, but even when they're eventually completed they'll still be lacking in size for my taste.

-My vision would be to have bigger holds, Solitude, for example should have way more houses, inns, shops etc..... If neccessary seperating holds into multiple cells. A hold with barely a dozen or two civilians is barely a capital, even for skyrim.

-The areas around the holds should be much more populated, both in npc and buildings.

-Inns in general have too few rooms from my view.

-Some existing villages can be expanded, like riverwood.

-More villages, of various sizes, can be added around skyrim.

-Also houses can accomodate large families instead of just one or two npc.

-And the mines, i believe, are way to small, they could be expanded even if no addition ore veins are added


Like i said before, im not a modder, this is just something i would like see.[wishfull thinking]

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