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Windows 7 saving 'Invalid Directory' error


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So, I'd love to get into modding Oblivion, rather than just leeching mods from this wonderful site, but CS refuses to let me save. It doesn't matter how much I beg it to work, it refuses. I started off simple, I tried running as admin; nothing. So I tried compatibility for XPsp2; nothing. Attempting to, 'step up my game,' I tried giving both the folder I'm trying to save to (C:\Oblivion Mods\), and the folder which Oblivion is installed to (C:\Program Files(x86)\bethesda softworks\Oblivion) full perms. This was achieved by right clicking the folder, clicking perms, then edit, then checking the 'full perms' box. Clicked apply and waited for it to set the perms. I had high hopes! I went to CS (As admin), did absolutely nothing, clicked save, mashed some keys for the file name and, once moar, got the invalid directory error. I don't know what to do. Any/all help would be appreciated!

OH- Also, I believe I have v1.2.0404, if it helps any.
Edit2: UAC is completely disabled.

Edited by Toxicshad0w
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Oblivion is installed to (C:\Program Files(x86)


Bzzzzt! Get it out of there. Uninstall Oblivion, and reinstall *outside* of the Windows protected 'Program Files' folder structure. Install to somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion. Get used to NOT installing games to the Program Files folder.

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.-.; Oh. I assumed disabling UAC should've worked.. damn. I was hoping there was a way around reinstalling. Alright then, I'll edit this post after reinstalling to tell you if it worked or not.

Edit: Nope, still get the invalid directory error, despite having reinstalled to C:\Games\Oblivion
I'm just an idiot; got it to work.

Edited by Toxicshad0w
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