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Kid Freindly


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So, I know there are a lot of people out there that will probably have something negative to say for this mod request, to them I say post away, i can't stop ya, but i'm not really open ears or mind to this negativity if its put in a vapid or unsettling sense.


now that I've said that, i'm looking for a kid friendly mod. all i want really is Re-texture for scary creatures, and if anyone knows how to make it less bloody, or can think of any other features that would help, all my kid wants is to explore the world of skyrim and i think its cool he's found interest but i want to stifle most of the gameplay and just let him look around. he's 9 or as he'd say 9 and a half, lol. He's pretty friggin smart for his age and very artistic and creative, he just... is particular to skeletetons and scary stuff is all. he tries to be brave and sneaks to watch me play, and i'm always lookin over my shoulder and he knows there's a mod community so i said "i'll ask around.." so.. a shot in the dark, you'd really be making me and he especially, very happy to help.


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Wow really? The games are rated Mature and Teen for a reason. Sorry but if you want kid friendly games go back to nintendo.


Yes this game is rated mature. However your post was non-constructive and un-necessary and we call that trolling. Formal warning issued.~Lisnpuppy

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Wrong answer MrSkaal.


As for you request darkhatter666, converting the entirety of Skyrim to be more child friendly isn't going to be an easy task, but it is indeed possible. It wouldn't be difficult per say, more time consuming. I'm not sure if there is already a mod available for it, so I'll check around.

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Any game that can have a mod community and over 28,000 mods has potential to be any kind of game. that was about the most close minded statement I've seen.

So far, I've seen a complete Draugr replacement, and suggestions for Tcai, Tdetect, and Tgm. Your quick annoyed response to shoot me down is pretty immature, maybe if you have a comment like that, wonder if your just being a jerk or actually being thoughtful. My goal is to allow my child to explore the world of skyrim, not play the game. so far i've fixed some of the problem. you tell me wether or not my intent is to let him play a violent game. pretty sure i'm asking about mods to take away gameplay so the game can serve an alternate purpose.

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thanks man. basically the skeletons and draugr were my first concern. and texture replacements to make dungeon caves look friendlier and less dismal. I saw a draugr replacer that changed dragr into old people. My kid laughed at that, he's quiet and doesn't say a lot but when he grins at something its nice. he's just curious is all. and his mother and I won't let him do it if it turns out a no go, but really all i'm searching for is draugr, skeletons, and death hound replacements. i once played a different game that had a similar basis idea for models and textures. don't know if its the same but i took all the models and textures for a policeman in the game, went to the dog folder, renamed all the policeman models and textures to match the names of those of the dogs, and replaced them with the new files and it turned all the dogs into looking like policemen as well. though the game had bugs until i did the same thing with animations, but does skyrim follow the same rules? if so, i'd just need to know what files to alter and i can replace whatever i need with something that already exists.

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your kid as has more to worry about than drugr, people get stabbed and killed, lit on fire, beheaded, theres blood everywhere even when just exploring


then there are hagravens, dremora, vampires, wishmothers, ghosts, and giant spiders etc


your prabably not gonna make it kid friendly enough

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So, I know there are a lot of people out there that will probably have something negative to say for this mod request, to them I say post away, i can't stop ya, but i'm not really open ears or mind to this negativity if its put in a vapid or unsettling sense.


now that I've said that, i'm looking for a kid friendly mod. all i want really is Re-texture for scary creatures, and if anyone knows how to make it less bloody, or can think of any other features that would help, all my kid wants is to explore the world of skyrim and i think its cool he's found interest but i want to stifle most of the gameplay and just let him look around. he's 9 or as he'd say 9 and a half, lol. He's pretty friggin smart for his age and very artistic and creative, he just... is particular to skeletetons and scary stuff is all. he tries to be brave and sneaks to watch me play, and i'm always lookin over my shoulder and he knows there's a mod community so i said "i'll ask around.." so.. a shot in the dark, you'd really be making me and he especially, very happy to help.


Well you could remove all blood and gore, since there are mods that edit them. And then cutting off all deathblows or kill moves will get rid of the rest, pretty much. Umm... there is still a lot more like human hearts and other things. But I mean we could reduce it to an affirmative teen rating at the least.

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Seems like a pretty steep feat, but it's not impossible. You'd first want to make a list of any mods which have adult themes and references to avoid - even Interesting NPCs must be excluded, due to a sultry bar wench in that lot. You'll also need to avoid body replacement mods (except Xenius's, perhaps) and find a way to deactivate the kill animations, the blood, and other assorted things. You'll also need to keep him off of Nexus.


But all that being said, I really don't see why he'd play this game. Honestly: the game's rated Mature for a reason. There's plenty of great adventure games for children his age, such as Monster Hunter or The Legend of Zelda. You should redirect him towards those games for now for the sake of his development. However, if he absolutely MUST play an Elder Scrolls game, he could try out Morrowind or Oblivion - they're pretty safe, and any sexual references are mostly innuendo. But I still advise strongly against him playing them yet, as they're pretty complex games both culturally and mechanically.

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well there's the counsel commands that i know of that disable combat, and enable god mode, as well as disable NPC awareness. if i knew how to make a batch file or a way to open skyrim with those already turned on, i suppose that'd eliminate the entire combat threat in general.


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