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Amazon's Revenge


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Astrianna grabbed the hanging tapestry and ripped it from its hangers on the wall. Under it was another archway and a short corridor. She walked boldly down the corridor and into another well lit room.


Magnificent paintings hung on the walls, vases of unknown origin adorned small tables and the air was sweet and pure. Off to the side was a huge feather bed with great pillows on it. Arches on either side lead to Astrianna knew not where but she was no fool just to walk in into a trap. She could here water running down one archway. All this she encompassed in seconds.


She stood in the center of the room, proud, defiant, and nude and with a smile on her face. Astrianna stopped and the two creatures from two different species and two worlds apart beheld each other. Then the Vampyre spoke.


“Welcome oh princess of the amazons to my humble abode. Why have you attacked me and my minions without provocation? I know you not yet you and your man come here killing my creations and then attacking me as well” her voice was sweet but had a hiss sound to it.


“Your creatures attack us, we had no option but to kill them and so far we’ve done a damn good job of it and he is not my man but a companion. You know me as Amazon so you know where my love interests lay.” Her tone was flat and devoid of emotion”


“The Vampyre laughed softly and then spoke again never taking her eyes off Astrianna.

“My guards protect my privacy and keep the nosy and uninvited at bay warrior woman. Again, why did you come? Have you been hired to try to kill me or was just luck and chance behind your trespassing of my home, my castle, my zoo?” She spoke with no fear nor was malice in her voice and Astrianna was taken aback by her unnerving calm aspect. Like a spider safe in her web, she held a power that made the hairs on Astrianna’s neck stand tall.


Astrianna took a few steps into the room and watched the archways carefully. Drops of blood, hit the marble floor and intricate spray patterns created a mosaic of gore and bits of flesh

“We were hired and came searching for a book and nothing more but know this spawn of the old one, I am not afraid of you, your magic’s are useless it seems against these weapons and your guards” she spit on the floor “ are no match for me nor my fury.” Astrianna spoke with an edge now to her voice as her adrenalin again began to rise.


“A book you say” spoke the Vampyre with a look of sudden surprise on her face.” A book with the cover of human skin perchance warrior princess? A book that you and your companion would slay and defile my things to get your hands on. Pray tell me woman” the Vampyres voice now itself had an edge to it and her words ended in angry hisses, “Did the female dog Duchess hire you, did she promise you great reward and perhaps her bed as swell for this book? Please Princess tell me was it she that has sent you on a fool’s errand? Her voice full of distain and unveiled hatetred was not lost on Astrianna.

“Aye, twas she and your knowledge of what she offers is noted as well” spoke Astrianna.


Astrianna watched as the Vampyres body seemed to change colors like the small lizards she and her friends caught as children and kept for pets; her face became a visage of pure evil and Astrianna was hard put not to avert her gaze. She readied the axe and attuned her senses to the happenings around her. The Vampire’s eyes flashed first red, then violet and her mouth opened as if to scream as she threw back her head. The sound coming from the Vampyre’s mouth was deafening and Astrianna flinched at the assault on her ears but never took her eyes from the creature before her.


“Geneva you soulless angel of Sodum, you girlfriend and lover of children, harlet, female dog”screamed the Vampyre so loud that the echo inside the chamber reverberated off the hard granite walls.


Never had Astrianna seen any creature so filled with hatred for another and a chill ran down her spine. For the first time in her life a small doubt crept into her mind and her heart that perhaps she had finally met a thing so evil incarnate that her very being, her soul would be forever banished to the nine hells.


As suddenly as it started it ended.


The Vampyre looked at Astrianna, smiled and approached her.Astrianna readied the axe and her hackles rose to the challenge now confronting her.


The Beautiful yet vile woman stopped a few paces short of her and then spoke softly and sweetly all the anger and hatred of just seconds ago gone as if it had never happened.


“You know not what that book contains do you?” The Vampyre stared into her eyes briefly and then spoke again. “I thought not.”


“I’ve an offer for you Astrianna, Daughter of Ceta, Grand Daughter of Isella, wouldst you hear it and live thru this day or shall we both fight and perhaps both die; the choice is yours woman of the Amazon.” She spoke flatly.


At the calling of her name and the names of her mother and Grand Mother the surprise flashed quickly in her eyes but was gone just as quick.


“And how do I know I can trust you creature of the night, feeder on the blood of the innocent. You have bitten my companion and now he too is doomed to live as you’re lackey and feed on blood as well”


The creature chuckled slightly and then spoke again.” I cannot take what is not freely offered. To become Vampyre the host must want it and freely give themselves. That nonsense is myth, spread by tales around the campfires and the home hearths. I did feed on your friend, your companion, your lover” again Astrianna was startled at the creatures knowledge of her; “and yes I did use him for his seed but his battle wounds are more serious then what I took from him.Would’st you let him die? Or would you rather he be saved and the two you be free to live?” she asked questioningly.


“And I should believe you, why? Trust you, why” Astrianna said harshly.


The creature knelt down, bowed slightly, pulled her hair to the side and then spoke.” Take my head oh warrior and then cut out my heart and toss it in yon fire and take the book, but know this, wise Princess. You give Geneva that book and a new dark age will descend upon this earth; chaos, famine, pestilence, disease will scour this world. The Four Horseman will be set a free and mankind will dwell in terror for ages to come. I alone protect the book; I alone stand against Geneva for it takes evil to hold someone like her at bay. I am at you mercy Great Amazon make your choice now” her words floated on the air.


Astrianna stared at the creature kneeling before her, ready to die, ready to sacrifice her life if need be. Only one thing caused someone to lay themselves open to death and care not about what would be emanate. The truth; She spoke the truth. Deep in her heart Astrianna knew the words were real and no lies or falsehoods were concealed.


Astrianna took a deep breath and exhaled.” A rise, I will not slay you.” She spoke


The creature stood up, gazed at her and then with words soft and once again sweet she spoke. “You are wise as well as strong oh Princess and your life will be long and prosperous oh sister of mine.” For the third time that day Astrianna was taken aback at being called sister by first the Nam-Sa and now the Vampyre.


“What the Nam –Sa told you is true. You and she and I all carry a common gene one from time primordial. We are separate yet one, that’s how I know all about you. Search your heart and set your mind free from clutter and you will know the truth of my words.” She said softly.


“Faelan has been bathed and his wounds tended too. In a few days he will be fit enough to travel. You may see him if you so choose or perhaps a bath, a meal and some rest would serve you better” she smiled at Astrianna


“But how did you know I’d believe you?” Astrianna asked her.


“I did not know. He was to be tended too and sent on his way whatever the outcome had been” she spoke with an air of truth to her words.


“Answer me another question and what do I call you oh Lady of the Night? How do you know about Geneva? Astrianna said to the Vampyre.


“My name is Calinga, it’s an ancient name and means, taker of heads” and she smiled.. As for the other question, Geneva is my sister! She said with vile in her voice.


“What!!!!” the word burst from Astrianna mouth.” She looks nothing like you and she lives in the sun and travels in the bright of day, how can she be a Vampyre as well?” She asked stunned.


I will answer your entire questions sister, but please, bathe and relax. Then we shall dine and we’ll talk more, yes?” she asked questioningly.

She clapped her hands twice and two scantily clad women exited the left hand archway. One was a Nubian, of that Astrianna was sure, pretty and with a backside that made her ache to touch it. But the other…the other was of a race Astrianna has never seen before. She was petite with small breasts but with long black hair and eyes that were slanted as if staring into the glare of the sun. Her skin was neither dark nor light but of something of an off cast hue and it made her beautiful beyond belief.


“This is Nakita and the small one is Kiyoto.They will bathe you, trim your hair and help you to relax. Take your time as here, there is never a hurry” she said to Astrianna as a huge grin spilt her face revealing the two fangs.


The two women stopped before Astrianna and bowed slightly. The Nubian spoke.” We are here to bathe you and cater to your every whim my lady” As she spoke she looked up, smiled and her eyes told of pleasures soon to follow the hot bathe.


Astrianna looked at Calinga and then spoke.” You are indeed yourself a wise and perhaps noble creature and I thank you for the offering laid before me.”


“You are most welcome sister and Princess of the Amazon, enjoy your bathe”. With that she turned and walked thru the right archway


“This way my lady” spoke Nakita and she walked off towards the other archway. The little goddess just smiled, took Astrianna by the arm and led her towards the bathe.

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They entered the room .Astrianna’s senses were assaulted by the smell of fresh vanilla in the air. A huge sunken marble tub sat recessed in the floor and steam arose from it in wisps of moisture to add to the humidity and tranquil sense of the room.


They stopped before a huge table and Astrianna reached for the bindings on her armor. Kiyoto stayed her hand.” please my lady; it is my job to take care of all your needs. You are to relax and enjoy yourself” she said to Astrianna as she smiled. Kiyoto removed her armor and then taking her by the arm once again she led Astrianna to the sunken tub. Kiyoto dropped her garment and as she did so Nakita appeared thru another door way carry a silver tray full of different colored bottles. She knelt by the tub and poured first one colored bottle and then another into the hot water. She then stood and her garment fell as well. They both led Astrianna in to the tub. “Sit my lady” said Nakita. Astrianna sat and as the water washed over her skin the oils Nakita had added to the water released their fragrance. Astrianna senses were once again assaulted by the aroma and now the attention she was receiving. Nakita poured some of the contents from yet a third bottle on her skin and under her and Kiyoto’s fingertips lather soon covered her skin. They were carful around her wounds and it felt good to be free of the grime, ash, blood and bits of tissue clinging to her bruised body.


Astrianna’s sore muscles soon released their ache from the intense cleaning and the hot water. The two women then poured water over her head and a fourth bottles contents were plied to her hair. Kiyoto washed Astrianna’s hair and Nakita’s hands cleaned her legs, feet and thighs. Astrianna closed her eyes in pure joy for never had she imagined a bathe could be so wondrous. Time seemed at a stand still but Astrianna was soon roused from her wool gathering by a gentle voice in her ear.” Come Mistress, you hair needs tending too” Kiyoto whispered to her.


All three arose and left the tub and Astrianna was led to a huge chair. Nakita dried first Astrianna’s body, then Kiyoto’s and then her own. “Sit lady” spoke Nakita.


Astrianna sat. Kiyoto began combing out her hair as Nakita went to another small table and poured some wine into a huge goblet. She retuned to Astrianna, and then she took a drink of the wine. “To ease any doubts you may have mistress” she spoke with her head down as in servitude. “Astrianna took the wine, drank some and then spoke. “ You bow not to me woman. You may be instructed to wait on me but you look me in the eyes when speaking to me. Do you understand? “Astrianna’s voice had an edge of authority to it now. Nakita raised her head, smiled and replied” Yes my lady, I understand.”


She hurries off as Kiyoto continued combing her hair. “Kiyoto” Astrianna said.” Yes my lady,” she answered. “From what land do you hail? I’ve never seen the like of your race before” she said to Kiyoto.


“I come from a far away island called Japon. I was sold into slavery by my master for his seed would not blossom in me. The men he sold me too were traders and for many days we sailed unto another land where they in turn sold me to another man.” Her voice was sad and Astrianna knew she withheld her treatment of the time spent a sea with a ship full of men.” How did Calinga come by you then” she asked questioningly?


“One of the merchants that my master deals with saw me and told her of me. She sent a messenger offering the man double what he paid but he refused. The messenger only smiled and replied he would be at the inn till the marrows eve and the offer would stand. My master bid him farewell and not to wait as I was his and he had great plans for me. Well something happened that night. There was much screaming and yelling and finally the man who bought me took me by the arm and practically dragged me to the inn where he told the messenger he had a deal. The messenger took my hand, gave the man his coin and then said these words to him” I knew you’d come to your senses quickly” and then began to laugh. I then ended up here” she said frankly.


“Calinga treats you well then” asked Astrianna. ”Oh yes my lady, she is kind and gentle and harms us not” she said.


“Woud’st you leave if given the chance? Astrianna asked her.


“To where my lady? I know not where I am and I am not a warrior woman like you. I would be food for the animals or fall prey again to another master. No Mistress I am safe here and shall spend all my days with my master Calinga” she said void of emotion.


Nakita returned with another tray. Upon it were scissors, a razor and scented oils. Nakita poured some oil into her hands and then worked it into Astrianna long mane. It mad her scalp tingle and yet it felt wonderful on her skin. Once she was done Kiyoto combed the center of her hair all the back, separating it from each side. She then pulled it up tight as Nakita wove fine rawhide all through it creating a huge Horse tail at the back of her head. Nakita then trimmed both sides which was followed by Kiyoto shaving that part of her scalp clean of hair. Astrianna watched as her hair fell to the ground but spoke not a word.


From the tray Nakita held up an object in front of Astrianna’s face. Astrianna literally jumped back and the two slave girls laughed. “Be not alarmed mistress, is but your image you see in the silver glass.” Nakita handed the object to Astrianna.


Taking the object Astrianna raised it slowly and yes it was her image but clear and unrippled; nothing like looking into clear lake or stream water. She turned the object all different ways turning and raising her head, lost in the site of her own looks. “What manner of majik’s is this?” she asked of Kiyoto.


“Lady Calinga calls it a mirror and from whence she obtained it I’ve no idea mistress” she said to Astrianna. Astrianna raised her hand and touched it to her face. It was probable the only place where a scar was not apparent on her entire body. “You are quite pretty” Kiyoto said to her and Astrianna blushed but knew not why. She held the mirror at arms length looking at her hair and a huge grin spread across her face.” I like the look” she said to both Nakita and Kiyoto. I am pleased, very pleased indeed.”


Smiling Kiyoto took the mirror set it and then she and Nakita each took a hand and led Astrianna to a huge silk hanging. Nakita pulled it aside and an immense bed was revealed. Still nude Nakita climbed into the bed then motioned to Astrianna who entered also. Kiyoto pulled the hanging back across and joined the two. As the sun faded the sounds of Astrianna be administered to by the two beautiful women was like a soft song on a midnights breeze.


She awoke with a start. Looking around she was momentarily at a loss for where she was and then it all came flooding back into her mind. The two handmaidens were gone and the room was ungodly quiet. Slipping out of the bed Astrianna slowly pulled the silk hangings aside. On a mannequin was her armor, polished oiled and repaired. Her weapons and those of Faelan say upon a table, dressed and as sharp as a razor.


Astrianna donned her armor and equipped her weapons. As she reached for Faelans axe a soft sound behind her made her spin like a whirlwind, drawing her blade and then stopping at the last moment as the point came to rest against Kiyoto’s graceful neck.


“Dammit girl”, Astrianna’s voice hard and dangerous.” don’t ever sneak up behind me again; are you daft? Her words assailed the small woman and tears now appeared in Kiyoto’s eyes.


“Forgive me mistress” uttered Kiyoto am not used to waiting on one such as you. I have displeased you and now you may punish me if you so desire,” She said with sadness in her tone.


Lowering her blade Astrianna stepped forward and with a show of emotion unnatural to her strict upbringing caressed Kiyoto’s face tenderly. “Girl had I not the skill and muscle of generations of warrior women and the ability to recognize friend from foe in an instant, your head would now be gracing this floor.” Her words were soft but the meaning in them was clear to Kiyoto.


“Forgive”…Kiyoto started to say. “Hush girl, no more need be said. You have learned a valuable lesson and its past so let it go” Astrianna said sternly.


“Yes my lady” uttered Kiyoto and a small smile appeared on her face.


“My master awaits you in the dining area. She will answer all your questions while you sup” and taking Astrianna’s arm led her thru another archway into a lavishly decorated dining room.


Calinga was seated and enjoying what looked like a very rare cut of beef from which blood oozed at every bite she took from it.


“Astrianna sit please, eat and enjoy for then you need be gone from here. Time has set in motion events which will alter the world for decades to come, Please; sit and eat with me,” spoke Calinga with blood running down her chin.

Astrianna sat and Nakita appeared with a platter of roasted venison and a dish full of fresh fruit. As if like a starved animal Astrianna grabbed a shank and took two huge bites from it, savoring the taste as the void in her stomach greeted its prize with a huge grumble.


“What of Faelan?” Astrianna asked staring directly at Calinga.


“He is being loaded into a cart, lined with furs for his comfort as we speak. There is also a vial of medicine for you to give to the old woman that she may keep him quiet and a list of herbs needed to recreate the potion if needed”. Calinga said directly.


“I thank you lady” Astrianna said in between bites of meat and a huge fresh apple.


“Meade my lady” Nikita asked from beside her.


“Yes Nakita and thank you” she answered without taking her eyes from Calinga.


Nakita filled the goblet, took a drink and then walked to the side and awaited further orders from her master or Astrianna.


Calinga looked at Astrianna and then at the meat on her plate. A tiny laugh escaped her lips.” Nay Princess tis best you not know what it is” and then laughed aloud.


Astrianna began to laugh also.” Me thinks your correct Vampyre, tis best I’m sure and the two continued to laugh.


“You said that you and Geneva were sisters, how is that she walks in the sun and you cannot?” Astrianna asked.


“We share the same father daughter of warriors but Geneva’s mother is daemon, unlike my mother who gave herself freely to my father. This allows her to do things I cannot and also allows her control over the men that serve her as well.”


“She seeks to rule rather than be ruled and tethered to this plane and would do anything to achieve her goal. She is evil incarnate Astrianna; heed my words carefully for your life and the lives of thousands more hang in the balance.” Calinga spoke somberly.


“This book she seeks” said Astrianna, It would give her the power she needs to accomplish her desires then I take it.” She spoke matter of factly rather than as a question.


“It would and that’s why I now thru you have the chance to stop her quest .I may be a Vampyre but I have a heart albeit black perhaps but have no wishes to make humanity into my personal playthings and to create a world of pain and suffering. My mother was a mortal woman and her traits are engraved in me along with my fathers. Geneva on the other hand lives for pain and domination and would inflict torment on every living soul on this orb.” Her words weighed heavily upon Astrianna.


“But if I give her this book, then she has won has she not?” Astrianna asked then drank deeply from the goblet.


With a smile that was more a leer than one of pleasure she spoke again.


“That’s what I want her to think Astrianna. I have two books. The original and one which is true up to a point so that as she creates the spells in it her confidence will rise and she will not doubt that what she has is what she has sought after all these years .Calinga spoke lightly and there now appeared a gleam in her eyes .A gleam that spelled disaster for Geneva.


“So you set the trap with me as the bait and hope that she will take me and her prize as well.” Astrianna again spoke with a flat tone of fact.


“Yes warrior princess, you are the one thing I hadn’t planned on but now the time is ripe to end her desires and the evil she carries within her. Are you game my Lady?” She asked to Astrianna.


“I’ve no love for your kind Vampyre, but you have treated me with fairness and respect and even helped my comrade when killing him would have been easy. That says more than any words could ever say or mean to me.” Standing up Astrianna approached Calinga. Calinga stood with her face to face; eye to eye and neither looked away.


They both smiled and then Astrianna extended her hand in friendship. Calinga took it; they shook hands and then Astrianna spoke. “The game is afoot lady, let me haste ere the quarry thinks I’ve failed in my task for her”


“Indeed Amazon, You are noble and an honorable woman, glad am I that we crossed paths even if it was a bit rocky at the start. Again they both smiled and Calinga spoke.


“Nakita, you and Kiyoto take my friend and comrade to her horse and see she gets the things I want her to have” Spoke Calinga to her slave.


“Yes M’lady, as you wish” she answered


As Astrianna turned to go Calinga spoke again. “Luck be with you Amazon warrior and may your gods protect you.” She said to Astrianna.


Smiling she replied. “Luck! And then laughed, my sword arm needs no luck. Geneva’s days are numbered but she knows it not. She then turned and followed Nakita and Kiyoto out the archway.


Looking upwards Calinga spoke to an empty room. “And so father it begins at last”.

Astrianna followed the two women down a long set of stairs which ended in a blank stone wall. Nakita ran her fingers deftly over the wall till she found something. Astrianna heard a small click and the wall slid aside to reveal the nearby entrance to the cave they had originally entered by,


They walked out into the sunshine and fresh air. On a cart covered in furs lay Faelan. His bruised and broken body bandaged. He was breathing peacefully and Astrianna knew Calinga’s potion was at work on him.

The cart was drawn by a huge oxen covered in long shaggy hair and Astrianna was amazed at the muscle mass in its shoulders and hind quarters. She smiled slightly and thought of the great cat she’d seen Calinga produce from a strange potion she had given it. Faelans horse was tied to the cart and a man like creature held her mount.


Astrianna vaulted in to the saddle. The huge oxen lumbered forward and so began the journey back to the camp. Looking over her shoulder Astrianna saw only Kiyoto standing there watching her. She waved to Astrianna, turned and vanished into the cave opening.


It was well after the sun’s zenith when Astrianna came upon the camp. Three outriders galloped towards her and pulled up short upon spying her and the strange creature.


“Lady Astrianna, you gave us quite the start for a second. Spoke Tristan catching his breath.


“My apologies, but haste is due for Faelan is still at deaths door and needs healing. Take this creature and lead it to your lords tent, I’ll get old Doris and then you meet me at her wagon for I’ve a tale to tell.


“Yes M’lady, right away” he said. As one of the riders reached for the tether on the beast, it snorted and pawed the ground causing the rider to stay his reach.


“Bah” Astrianna laughed and reached over to smack the creature between the eyes.” Git you ornery cuss or perhaps tonight’s meal be a little roast oxen” and then she laughed aloud.


“Take the beast, he’s harmless” she spoke to the rider and gets you plenty of help getting Faelan into his tent, drop him or cause him pain and you answer to me. Is that clear?” her voice carried the air of authority to it now.


“Yes M’lady it will be done as you ask” spoke the rider with a slight bow to her.


He grabbed the tether as the other rider rode to get help.


“I’ll see to my lord and then meet you at Doris’s “Tristan said to her, bowed and rode off.


As she approached Doris’ wagon the old crone appeared on the steps.


“Praise be child, tis time you and that man came back.” She said with a tease to her voice and then she saw the wagon headed towards Faelans tent and her look and voice suddenly changed.


“What in Bansiks great balls happened child, tell me quickly” Her voice now conveyed deep worry and fear.


Astrianna dismounted, took the old lady into her arms and then spoke. “Easy old one. Faelans is serious hurt but is on the mend. I’ve a potion for you and writing for the formula to ease his pain and help him heal.” Her voice was soft and reassuring. “Let us sit and await Tristan, I’ve no time to retell what’s happened since we left camp.” Taking Doris by the arm they sat and waited. Astrianna handed her the vial and the parchment. Uncorking it Doris took a sniff. “I recognize some of the herbs in here but me thanks you for bringing the formula as well child.” She said with a smile.


Tristan came running over. “He’s been made comfortable M’lady and Greta, tom’s wife is tending to him.” He spoke more to Doris than Astrianna. Doris simply nodded.


“Good” was all Astrianna replied.” Listen carefully and do no interrupt me, time is of the essence now and I’ll not dally words at the moment. She looked at both Tristan and then old Doris. Both nodded and then old Doris spoke.


“Git on with it child, I grow no younger ye know” she said, then smiled and all three laughed.


Astrianna then told them all that had occurred since she and Faelan had departed camp that day leaving out only small details.


“And ye trust this Vampyre child” Doris asked


“As much as I trust anyone with an axe to grind but I was there and saw with my own eyes and yes, I believe her words.


“Well tis settled then. You get some sleep and on the marrow head off to this Geneva’s castle and pray child take no chances with her, she seems capable of anything.


“I’ll be safe wise and dear Doris, fear not for me, fear for Geneva’s soul, if she has one.


Tristan arose.” I’ll double the guard to be sure tonight is safe, but I think yours is the more dangerous of jobs M’lady.” He said looking into Astrianna’s eyes.


With that he turned and walked off to see to his duties.


“He’s right child, you walk into the lions den on the marrow for sure and I’m a feared for your safety. She said solemnly.


“I’ll be fine Grandmother; Faelan should be your concern now, not I. She took the old woman’s hands into hers and smiled.


“Grandmother! child ye bring joy to this old heart, is for sure .Get ye some sleep you’ll need it. She leaned over kissed Astrianna on the forehead and then spoke again.” Use my wagon child, tonight be a meteor shower and Old Doris has some wishes she needs to make to the gods.” With that she arose and ambled off towards the rest of the encampment.



Astrianna awoke, donned her armor and exited the wagon. The fresh smell of roasted venison, eggs and baked bread assaulted her like a blast of heat from deep within a volcano’s bowels.


She approached the fire where many of the men and women were eating already.


She grabbed a piece of venison, bit into it and closed her eyes in delight as the hot meat and the juices exploded in her mouth. Not bothering to sit or dine with the others she headed off towards her horse.


She saddled the stallion and walked it over to Doris’s wagon. The Old woman appeared on the top stair, handed her the carefully wrapped book.


Taking the book, Astrianna leapt into the saddle, nodded to Doris and turned the horse and walked away.


She reached midpoint in the camp when she swung the horses head to the right. She sat motionless in the saddle, staring at Faelans tent. The horse began to move towards it but Astrianna reined it in short.


Old Doris watched with a careful eye and a smile cracked her wrinkled visage. “Damn!” she giggled. “Seems those two shared more then a fightin arm between em” she said to herself. “


Astrianna sat and stared and then with a flurry, turned the stallions head, slapped it on the rump and within seconds was at a full gallop.


“Aye lass, ride like the Hounds of Hell be at your heals; for in truth they just may be” Doris said aloud to no one.


She reached behind her picked up her healing bag and taking a deep draw on her old pipe filled her lungs, exhaled and watched the bluish-grey smoke vanish into the clear air.


Astrianna had already vanished over the far hill. “Well, now seems I may have a heart as well as a body to mend” and shook her head. “Old Doris’s work is never done it seems” she said to herself. She coughed, spit, walked down the wagon stairs and headed off towards Faelans tent.



End Book One.

© Dezdimona 2009

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Very good story. The characters are full of life and personality. I love the adventurous tone of this work, and how well written it is. It doesn't appear rushed which I think is the mistake too many authors make. I've actually been reading this slowly, because the time and momentum of tales like these are foreign to me. I had to watch Conan the barbarian just to place myself into the context of Demona's work, and it was well worth it.
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