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Save game size


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I've been wondering about this for a while, I thought I would ask here. What is normal size for a save game? I've completed the main story, done a lot of side quest and completed all the dlc's. I have about 170 mods installed. My save game for my lvl 40 main character is about 11 MB. Is this normal or do I have reason to worry?

Edited by cila81
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<p>Yeah, that's pretty normal.</p>

<p>I have about 120 active mods installed, completed the main quest and Dragonborn, level 70 I think, and mine is 9.5MB. I edited Elys uncapper to make level ups faster though, so I dunno what a "proper" level 70 would be.</p>



EDIT: ARGH!!!!! I'm so sick of that happening.

Edited by billyro
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